Lost 2 lbs. and messed up big time !

MandeeSue Posts: 153
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so after watching what I have been eating since Sept. 20th I lost a total of 4 lbs. but 2 since I've been on here. Well today I messed up big time !! Went christmas shopping with the hubby, went out to eat and then went to wal-mart where we got cupcakes with oreo's and reese cup's on the tops !! Oh My I can't believe I ate 2 of them !! I really went over my calorie count today...and feel horrible. On top of that I had a chance to workout today...and I didn't !! The baby was up several times last night, and I just did not feel like going. Oh how can I make up for it tomorrow ? Hoping I can get back on track, I have a pair of jeans I want to be in by christmas !!!



  • Exercise and relax. Going over one day isn't a big deal. Keep focus on your diet and you'll be fine.
  • Don't stress it...it's just one day. Pick yourself back up and get on it again.
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    So you messed up. It happens to all of us. Don't beat yourself up over it. Take advantage of the chances you have tomorrow. If you find time for a workout, go for it! When you feel a craving for sweets, drink a glass of water. You can do it!
  • Today is over, now what is your plan for tomorrow? Eating healthy and excersising is a day by day lifestyle change for me. Look to your future and what you want. Make your food and excersise choices based on that. Don't beat yourself up, pick yourself up!
  • RunLove
    RunLove Posts: 19 Member
    Everyday is a new day. You may have went over today but tomorrow you can start all over again. I treat every day as a separate day and try my best to stay within my goals. Definitely don't beat yourself up over going over your calories one day and not exercising one day. You'll get back on track tomorrow. Also, remember this is a lifestyle change (or it is for me) and I can't imagine not have cheat days for the rest of my life! That just seems terrible :)
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I'm right there with you. I screwed up today too. I ate some sweets and I really wish I had not. It was not worth it. Luckily I ate them early enough in my day so that I could eat less through out the day.

    I"m going to try to just let it go. Tomorrow is tomorrow, a new chance to make it right. We can't be perfect all the time, we will stumble and make mistakes... at least we KNOW we made them right?! Before I wouldn't have been that upset to eat a donut and some reeses pb cups.. now I really see how bad that is for my weight loss!

    It's a journey! You can do this! :)
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I had an apple danish yesterday, but i stayed under my calories.... i feel bad about it and know that I need to make better choices, but everday is a new day... just stay under your calorues consistantly and you will lose weight.... exercise is a great tool for when you go over cause you can always work it off.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    It happens. Over the weekend I ate an entire bag of Twizzlers and it took me 3 days of working out and eating right to lose it. Yeah, I felt bad about eating it (but it tasted so good at the time). But after plugging in the candy and seeing the calories I ate, that was the wake up call I needed. I have a huge sweet tooth, so I keep that in check by having a stash of jolly ranchers at home. 3 after dinner helps keep my sweet tooth in check without the guilt.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Fiddle-dee-dee. Tomorrow is another day. You'll be fine!
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