Think you eat too "unhealthy" to lose weight?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Congrats. Your right it's calories in vs. calories out. I read an arrival of a nutrition professor went on a "diet" of all snack cakes. He reduced his calories to 1800 a day of all snack cakes and some veggies but stayed within his calorie budget. Guess what he lost 27 lbs. Is he going to be healthier in the long run, probably not but it's a good start for junk food eaters to know that it's ok to have. That article helped me although I've always ate fairly healthy but since that It helped me to realize its ok to have the junk sometimes as long as it's within my calorie budget I'm going to eat it.
    i believe you are referring to the "twinkie diet" ?
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Wow, your issues sound exactly like the ones I had! Just like you, I would give up if I had what everyone else considered as a "bad food." People in my office are stunned of how I'm still losing weight and eating oreos constantly hahaha. :laugh:

    Great that you found something that actually works! :drinker:
  • aarondnguyen
    aarondnguyen Posts: 270 Member
    Calories in vs. calories out will determine weight gain/loss, true. But the general ratio of your fats/carbs/proteins will determine your body composition. If you weight-train often and are only consuming the amount of protein recommended by the RDA, you can bet that you're not going to gain much muscle...
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    i don't eat a lot during the day, but tend to eat junk food after dinner (which is right after i run at night). Here's my question - how do you know how many calories you burn during an exercise? For example, I do Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 for the entire workout (20 mins?). How many calories do I log in the Exercise on mfp? Should I even be logging exercise? MFP always tells me that after exercise I still need to eat about 450 calories to hit my daily goal. Then why isn't the scale budging?????

    I suggest selecting "Aerobics, general" or "Aerobics, low impact" under Add Exercise. Your choice. The calculation takes into account your currently entered MFP weight to come up with the estimated numbers..

    The category is closest activity without having a personalized heart rate monitor.
  • cecesmiles
    Found the twinkies diet link if anyone's interested.

    thanks so much!
  • lautour
    lautour Posts: 89 Member
    I found my people.

    I have tried, multiple times in multiple ways, to both cut calories AND eat healthy. I only succeeded when I was doing low carb, and only because I baked low carb treats as substitutes. Now I can't do low carb that way due to illness. I still need structure to my eating so I do the JUDDD diet (eat one day to TDEE, eat only 500 the next). I like this a lot but half the fun is being able to eat what I want, every other day, and still lose weight.

    I just... I want pizza and brownies more than the occasional treat. I look at the other open diaries and they all look so grownup and middle class and here I am with my main vegetable being onions.
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    *pulls up chair*

    I think I love you.
    I could've written this post myself.
    I have tried and failed MULTIPLE times over the last ten years to maintain a lifestyle with only so called "health food"
    It's not going to happen and I've accepted that and I'm fine with it.
    Like the rest of you I have simply just limited my calories while adding exercise that I like doing (not workouts I hate but that might produce faster, better results).
    I actually had a really bad day the other day where I binged and for the first time in history I didn't beat myself up over it or hate myself for going "off the diet"

    Thank you for the post OP!
  • tahneesummers88
    tahneesummers88 Posts: 52 Member
    When I first started on here (had a different user name) All I did was reduce my calories and exercise. So if Ice cream fit into my calorie allowance for the day, then I had some. I did find it easier to eat "healthier" things (veggies, lean meats, etc) because it gave me more food for the allotted calories I was given. It was kind of a natural progression.

    This is me all over!!! Love this ^^^
  • tahneesummers88
    tahneesummers88 Posts: 52 Member
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Obviously you can eat whatever you want if you eat less calories than you take in.

    The problem with junk it is doesn't have many nutrients in it to fuel your body. No vitamins, minerals, etc.

    I am short and older and don't get a lot of calories each day and junk food has lots of calories so if I waste a lot on junk, I'm feeling hungry the rest of the day.
  • KatherineLynnKane
    KatherineLynnKane Posts: 11 Member
    A diet consisting of high fat, sugar, sodium and alcohol compounded over the years will eventually result in serious health problems.
    I think you realize this. Why else would you be introducing healthier options?
    I suspect that you are able to maintain this lifestyle because you are single.
    Would you recommend a junk food diet to a pregnant or nursing mother?... or a family with young children?....or a senior citizen?

    Reading your post it's hard to determine your success since your weight has fluxuated within the past month.
    Eliminating 5+ sodas each day may have allowed you to lose 5lbs and several inches, and exercising may be the reason why you are maintaining that loss.
    Congratulations! Please post again in another 3 -6 months to update us on your progress.

    Yes, it's possible to eat Twinkies and lose weight.
    It's also possible to suffer from malnutrition, gall stones, bone density loss, heart disease, diabetes, infertility and kidney failure.
  • nmpx
    nmpx Posts: 76
    A diet consisting of high fat, sugar, sodium and alcohol compounded over the years will eventually result in serious it,wlth problems.
    I think you realize this. Why else would you be introducing healthier options?
    I suspect that you are able to maintain this lifestyle because you are single.
    Would you recommend a junk food diet to a pregnant or nursing mother?... or a family with young children?....or a senior citizen?

    Reading your post it's hard to determine your success since your weight has fluxuated within the past month.
    Eliminating 5+ sodas each day may have allowed you to lose 5lbs and several inches, and exercising may be the reason why you are maintaining that loss.
    Congratulations! Please post again in another 3 -6 months to update us on your progress.

    Yes, it's possible to eat Twinkies and lose weight.
    It's also possible to suffer from malnutrition, gall stones, bone density loss, heart disease, diabetes, infertility and kidney failure.

    Not single & a mother.
    I'm not a nutritionist so I don't recommend anything.
    This is the way I eat & what's working for me. I'm sharing my experience to let others like me know they can do it. They, including me just need a confirmation that they can jumpstart it, healthier foods may follow after but right now all they need is reassurance & support. This is the exact kind of response that would have discouraged me before.
  • lautour
    lautour Posts: 89 Member
    A diet consisting of high fat, sugar, sodium and alcohol compounded over the years will eventually result in serious it,wlth problems.
    I think you realize this. Why else would you be introducing healthier options?
    I suspect that you are able to maintain this lifestyle because you are single.
    Would you recommend a junk food diet to a pregnant or nursing mother?... or a family with young children?....or a senior citizen?

    Reading your post it's hard to determine your success since your weight has fluxuated within the past month.
    Eliminating 5+ sodas each day may have allowed you to lose 5lbs and several inches, and exercising may be the reason why you are maintaining that loss.
    Congratulations! Please post again in another 3 -6 months to update us on your progress.

    Yes, it's possible to eat Twinkies and lose weight.
    It's also possible to suffer from malnutrition, gall stones, bone density loss, heart disease, diabetes, infertility and kidney failure.

    Not single & a mother.
    I'm not a nutritionist so I don't recommend anything.
    This is the way I eat & what's working for me. I'm sharing my experience to let others like me know they can do it. They, including me just need a confirmation that they can jumpstart it, healthier foods may follow after but right now all they need is reassurance & support. This is the exact kind of response that would have discouraged me before.

    That's exactly what I took out of it and I thank you for it. I have to eat out a lot and can't cook like I used to because I recently became sick. I gave up completely on trying to lose weight because I didn't think it was possible without being able to prepare balanced meals with fresh veggies and I can't afford meal replacements. I kept starting to do better and then blowing everything on junk binges, yo-yoing the same 5-6 pounds.

    After completely blowing it on a week of eating too much I realized I'd gained 17 pounds since January but I didn't know what to do because I couldn't face a complete dietary overhaul but how else could I stop the weight gain? I found a way to eat what I want and still cut calories. I could eat these foods without binging.

    9 pounds down in the past two weeks and yeah, pizza every other day, donuts, burgers. I don't want to eat this way forever but it's a lot easier to make modifications when I'm going in the right direction.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I, too, have basically continued to eat the way I always have, and greatly increased my exercise. I do try to eat more protein and fiber than I have in the past, but at this point I still eat too much sugar and salt. I do hope at some point to do better in those areas, but I am doing so much better than I was. I think I have to be grateful for that.
  • fithealthygirl
    fithealthygirl Posts: 290 Member
    A diet consisting of high fat, sugar, sodium and alcohol compounded over the years will eventually result in serious it,wlth problems.
    I think you realize this. Why else would you be introducing healthier options?
    I suspect that you are able to maintain this lifestyle because you are single.
    Would you recommend a junk food diet to a pregnant or nursing mother?... or a family with young children?....or a senior citizen?

    Reading your post it's hard to determine your success since your weight has fluxuated within the past month.
    Eliminating 5+ sodas each day may have allowed you to lose 5lbs and several inches, and exercising may be the reason why you are maintaining that loss.
    Congratulations! Please post again in another 3 -6 months to update us on your progress.

    Yes, it's possible to eat Twinkies and lose weight.
    It's also possible to suffer from malnutrition, gall stones, bone density loss, heart disease, diabetes, infertility and kidney failure.

    Not single & a mother.
    I'm not a nutritionist so I don't recommend anything.
    This is the way I eat & what's working for me. I'm sharing my experience to let others like me know they can do it. They, including me just need a confirmation that they can jumpstart it, healthier foods may follow after but right now all they need is reassurance & support. This is the exact kind of response that would have discouraged me before.

    Well said OP! Most of us already know what it takes to be healthy, but that's obviously not the point of this post.
  • cathyg415

    truth is , eat at a mild defecit, and exercise,
    dont "eliminate" any food, unless you can go for LIFE without it ...

    I agree ^^ ^^ ^^