*Waves to the crowd*....now wave back ;-)



  • Ford4x4lady
    ~~waves~~ from Oregon.. welcome :)
  • Welcome! You are going to love whst this site has to offer.

    I turned a friend onto it and she lost 25 pounds since June and she doesnt post or even log her weight. She just quietly uses the journal and calorie counter.

    So you can be as involved as you want or not, it's all goood!

    That's exactly one of the things I like about this site. I can be as involved as I want to be. I am choosing to post on message boards because I think it's fun and helpful. But I don't have to.

    *waves back to the new posters*
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Wisconsin "waves"

    Its nice to have a support system, mine is kinda weak. (My husband made cookies and a pie this week WTF.) My sisters also complain about weight gain but they are not close enough to go workout with, or willing to do it the right way. So it is nice to have a group of people who are going through the same process. so Welcome
  • Wisconsin "waves"

    Its nice to have a support system, mine is kinda weak. (My husband made cookies and a pie this week WTF.) My sisters also complain about weight gain but they are not close enough to go workout with, or willing to do it the right way. So it is nice to have a group of people who are going through the same process. so Welcome

    Hey, at least your husband cooks.....:bigsmile:

    Thank you for the welcome robynrae_1.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    When he's not home I eat lean cusine tv dinners. :embarassed:
  • When he's not home I eat lean cusine tv dinners. :embarassed:
