Real Deal

Awww, went to doctor yesterday for physical, she's going to take me off estrogen in 6 months, so I have 6 months to lose my weight. After I get off estrogen I think (don't know) my skin will not tighten after weight loss, so really need to keep motivated. Going to email my doctor on my progress every week and try to log in here everyday. Any tips? Best wishes to you all eatting right and getting in shape! Have some of you that have lost over 20 pounds found you have more energy? That would be encouraging if you have. I'm tired a LOT.:yawn: :drinker: more coffee... no more excercise and sunshine!


  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    The best tips I can give are don't give up, exercise and use a food scale.

    weigh. everything.