Why is the scale not moving?



  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Yesterday I had

    celery sticks w/ peanut butter (fat free kind) it was a few times a day, don't know how many celery sticks I had

    salad with ranch dressing, bacon bits, croutons and a slice of bread

    more celery sticks w/ peanut butter

    salad with rancing dressing, bacon bits, croutons and slice of bread
    water with each meal

    is it the peanut butter causing me to stall?? ive been stuck at the same weight for the last couple days. my stomach was growling and I was confident I would lose another lb this morning

    Eat more food/variety.

    Read the link above,

    Weigh and measure all the foods you stuff in your face.

    ETA: You shouldn't lose 1 pound over night. Stop weighing yourself everyday!

    I'm used to losing weight like that...1-2lbs a day. It's been a week and I've only lost 2 lbs so far? that is too slow

    No, it's not. 2 pounds a week is the absolute max rate you should lose. Any faster than that is really unhealthy, and can cause loose skin and sets you up to gain the weight back more easily than if it's lost at a reasonable rate. You're good.
  • hundredpoundowlz
    hundredpoundowlz Posts: 5 Member
    Just judging by what you posted it definitely looks like you need to eat more.

    Also, don't just go by scale weight and definitely don't obsess over it every day. The scale will mess with your head. Go by how your clothes are fitting and how you feel. Do yourself a favor and purchase some myotape and start taking body measurements to track. My wife has been hovering within the same pound or two for the last few weeks but in that same time she has lost a total of 7 inches from the neck to her calves.
  • mama222bfit
    mama222bfit Posts: 24 Member
    I am in the same boat! I have logged for almost two weeks straight now and have been also able to exercise more now that the weather is nice and nothing!!

    As for teh peanut butter however...I was eating peanut butter and banana on toast in the mornings and a trainer told me that it was too heavy. I actually took his advice and switched to plain greek yogurt with some cereal adn my body totally reacted to it and I started to see weight loss. Not sure if that was the only reason but it seemed to jump start my weight loss.

    Now I am at a standstill :(
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Yeah, its the power of the peanut butter.

    Otherwise it is a lack of calorie deficit....or not eating enough......
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    Obsessing over the scale will only cause stress, failure, or an eating disorder. Eat the recommended amount of calories, drink lots of water, and don't starve yourself. 1-2lbs loss in a single day is bad news.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    By the way, did you know that at 5 ft 8 and 160lbs you are actually within the 'healthy' weight range for your height? You don't need to lose weight at all, let alone at a faster rate. I completely understand that you might want to lose a few pounds; I'm the same height as you and my goal is 143lbs, but seeing as you are already 'normal' there is no need to rush! 1lb a week max!
  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
    By the way, did you know that at 5 ft 8 and 160lbs you are actually within the 'healthy' weight range for your height? You don't need to lose weight at all, let alone at a faster rate. I completely understand that you might want to lose a few pounds; I'm the same height as you and my goal is 143lbs, but seeing as you are already 'normal' there is no need to rush! 1lb a week max!
    I want to lose more weight because I have small love handles on my sides. I also prefer a much more leaner look on me
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    Why do you want to be a vegetarian? Just wondering.

    FF peanut butter? Read the label between that and reg pb. The ff is likely loaded with extra sugars or fillers. Try all natural pb, full fat. The fat keeps you satisfied longer.

    For your ranch dressing ... combine 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese with 3-4 tspn ranch dressing (dry mix). Put in a blender and blend it up, adding a bit of milk of it needs thinning.

    Cals per 1/4 cup: 55 plus a nice protein pop.

    You need more protein. Losing more than 2lbs/wk is ridiculous, stop looking for more than that.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    I don t understand how a vegetarian can eat bacon bits.
  • rebalee8
    rebalee8 Posts: 161 Member
    Well, they DO make vegetarian bacon bits.

    And, if you've ever used the McCormick "Bac'n Pieces"... they're vegan.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm used to losing weight like that...1-2lbs a day. It's been a week and I've only lost 2 lbs so far? that is too slow

    Too slow, because you want to do it again next year?

    And the year after.

    And waste your life yo-yo dieting, having a terrible relationship with food and your body.

    Each time getting easier to gain, and harder to lose.

    You want to go that kind of speed, right?
  • I recommend picking it up and placing it down somewhere else. Boom, your scale just moved
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    Well, they DO make vegetarian bacon bits.

    And, if you've ever used the McCormick "Bac'n Pieces"... they're vegan.


    I seriously did not know there were vegetarian ' bacon bits' - well, imitation bacon bits.

    I wondered why nobody else was commenting on this apparent contradiction in her diet.
  • rebalee8
    rebalee8 Posts: 161 Member
    Well, they DO make vegetarian bacon bits.

    And, if you've ever used the McCormick "Bac'n Pieces"... they're vegan.


    I seriously did not know there were vegetarian ' bacon bits' - well, imitation bacon bits.

    I wondered why nobody else was commenting on this apparent contradiction in her diet.

    Yeah, unless you get the ones that say they're real bacon, what you're really getting is "imitation bacon flavored textured soy flour bits".
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    Yesterday I had

    celery sticks w/ peanut butter (fat free kind) it was a few times a day, don't know how many celery sticks I had

    salad with ranch dressing, bacon bits, croutons and a slice of bread

    more celery sticks w/ peanut butter

    salad with rancing dressing, bacon bits, croutons and slice of bread
    water with each meal

    is it the peanut butter causing me to stall?? ive been stuck at the same weight for the last couple days. my stomach was growling and I was confident I would lose another lb this morning

    take out the ranch replace with a vinaigrette stop using bacon bits and croutons and slices of bread

    eat some protein... since you are a vegetarian maybe... beans? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soy products? tofu?
    idk much about vegetarian diets sorry but im sure there are a million pinterest recipes to help you out
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    I also only like ranch and i HATE the raspberry vinaigrette i got...
    but I just found a fat free ranch that's 30 calories a serving so im just going to use that...
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm trying to be a vegetarian that' why there is no poultry in my diet.
    What type of salad dressing do you suggest I use on my salad? I only like ranch dressing

    Its a lot easier for vegetarians to get protein than most meat eaters act like it is. A quick google search will lead you to tons of articles explaining the myth. There are so many non-meat foods that will adequately supply you with enough protein that there's really no excuse for not getting enough. I've been veg for years and have never, ever, had issues with protein intake.

    As for salad dressing, I usually go with raspberry vinaigrette. Pretty low cal and I love the flavor it gives. I also like it on white rice. Yum!

    ooo i'll have to try that on my rice that sounds good