Should you be sore every time after you lift?



  • alex_thomas8
    Thanks for your response. I'm actually trying to drop another 15 lbs or so of body fat. At that point, I'll probably increase my nutrtion to around 22-2500 calories to start making more gains. I'm definitely seeing differences in muscle definition and athletic ability...overall I just feel stronger. I'm guessing it would be a good idea to focus on the weight loss first?
  • alex_thomas8
    Nobody likes that "OMG I can't move" soreness, I'm more talking about the stiffness, achiness, etc. I've been going at this for a few months and joined MFP a few weeks ago just to help track my diet a little better. I played water polo and swam in college and we would do two-a-days a few times a week and I never gave it a second thought. We did some lifting, but only in the mornings twice a week and I always remember having DOMS the day after. Maybe I'm just getting in better shape, who knows.
  • Kinseykick
    Make sure you are getting enough protein to build up those muscles! Plenty of water before and during then a high protein meal after to help build those muscles instead of leaving them undernourished . Afterward make sure you stretch and cool down properly with lots of deep breathing to get the blood and oxygen flowing back into the muscles. Lastly if you are still sore you can put Icy Hot or some other cream on the area to generate a heat and cooling feeling that will bring blood to the area to promote healing of the tired muscles.

    Hopefully that helps and you can recover to get back in the gym! I have a love-hate relationship with being sore. I love the feeling because it makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere but I don't like being overly sore to the point I can't go to the gym!
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    I used to cut grass for a living, which meant that each spring I would spend the first 2 weeks coming home exhausted and sore, barely able to move.
    Week 3 was just sore.
    Week 4 I would go dancing on the weekends, not even thinking about all the walking I had been doing.
    The body adjust to it's new level of normal.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    It's rare that I get sore from doing a routine I do regularly - when it's new I probably will, but as I get used to it I stop getting DOMS etc.
    Same for weights or cardio.