I should be losing. I'm not. Help?



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thanks to all (except eldamiano who seems to have singled me out of everyone on MFP. Another acronym? How offended you must be...) As a 5'7" living, breathing human being who weighs a lot, is eating a healthy balanced diet (not complicated at all, wholegrain, low starch, no sugar) and limiting it to 1,200 calories I'd like to think I'm creating a calorie deficit and at the very least NOT overeating enough to gain 2lbs and was merely asking for help and an explanation of why that might be happening. The warnings of going below 1,200 calories and starvation mode and inadequate nutrition all go haywire when I don't eat that much, so forgive my confusion about why I'm not losing on such a low calorie level. Oh, I guess I bit. Well done to you. Must be very satisfying. :)

    To all the other helpful people who took the time to answer, I really appreciate it.

    I am weighing and measuring religiously, I am not blind snacking (if there's one thing being immobile does it's limit your trips to the kitchen). The problem is definitely not that I am overeating without realising, I am simply not losing weight on 1,200 calories. I suppose some weight could be the swelling in my leg, and I guess water weight elsewhere due to inflammation and immobility.

    Other than hobbling around on crutches, which is pretty good for the arms, can anyone recommend exercise that I can do that doesn't involve the legs at all? Would have to be from a sitting or lying down position. I have a 2 year old at home, can't get out much as I can't keep him safe while I am on crutches so indoor preferably.

    I didn't lose anything at all on 5:2 and don't think I could manage 2 fast days on top of limiting my other days to 1,200 cals, would be too restrictive and break my will. I am doing well not to revert to old habits and comfort eat while I am in pain, bored, frustrated and stressed, but don't think I can stretch that to fasting in addition.

    For 5:2 you don't want 2 fast days plus dieting.... 5 maintenance + 2 fasting. Your whole deficit comes from 2 days.

    Re: exercise with a cast. Look for chair (seated) exercise. Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xC9khisFPA

    2 pounds a week is pretty aggressive. The faster you lose, the more likely you are to lose muscle in the process. Just measure, weigh, everything. Have an idea of calories before logging.....be careful not to pick up someone else's screwed up entry.

    There is a thread on logging (very helpful)....I'll try to find it.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    e) I need to drop the cheat day...

    Just wondering if you have a cheat day logged somewhere in your diary? I went back about 3 weeks and didn't see one.

    The reason why I asked is that when I have personally done cheat days in the past, I was always surprised that it would make weekly average be right around my TDEE. Depending upon how you are doing your cheat days, this might be the place to start.

    Good luck.