Toning legs bum and tum

I think I have the same goal as many girls my age! I want nice thighs a nice bum and flat/toned stomach! My stomach is the major part I want flat! My aim is to have my legs bum and stomach looking toned and slim by summer! Ideally the 10th of August ( as I'm going away) has anyone got any amazing tips on how I can achieve this and are there any bum, leg and stomach exercises you know?? Any information would be amazing and if you have links to exercises being demonstrated that would be extremely helpful!! Thank you
Sophie xx


  • AnneeeLicious
    AnneeeLicious Posts: 14 Member
    Eat at a calorie deficit to lose fat off of your body. There is no point in trying to spot reduce. However, it is very useful to do strength training to gain muscle and that will make you look more toned. Good luck! :)
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Start lifting heavy weights. Be aware that it takes several months of consistent lifting to see real results, so you're a little late in the game to be expecting spectacular results by August. But if you start NOW, you will unrecognizable (in a good way!) by next summer. Good luck.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    My local leisure centre runs a specific Legs Bums & Tums workout class which consists of lunges whilst holding weights and some floor work with planks or on your back with your legs up straight tilting just legs from side to side. Probably best to search on YouTube for examples.
  • RozzeleS
    RozzeleS Posts: 65 Member
    Options .. there's differenct options for different parts of the body, and take minimal time so can even fit in to the busiest schedules.. Just on day 3 of The abs challange.
  • KatieRG92
    You can't spot reduce fat. Your body will choose where the fat comes off. So, if you create a calorie deficit by eating less and exercising, eventually the fat will come off everywhere. Some people say the stomach is the most difficult part to lose fat from, but it's different for everybody.

    You can also do strength training to build muscle. This helps shape your body. But you won't be able to see the muscle as well if there's a layer of fat over it. Check out or for exercises, check out ToneItUp on Youtube, or just Google it :)
  • Kkonowal
    Kkonowal Posts: 97 Member
    Jillian micheals killer buns and thighs... Saw great results in 2 months!!!! Tummy got toned too with this without a single crunch!!! Good luck!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Toning is a myth, what you are really looking for is a toned look I believe.

    The only way to accomplish this look is to lose fat through your diet while eating at a deficit. As you lose fat it will a appear you are toned as the muscles that were under the fat will be more visible.

    If you just do exercise to build muscles, you must be eating a diet at a surplus. The muscles won't pop through the fat, they will only push the fat out more. Which is fine if you plan on going on a cut to lose the fat afterwards. Though by your time crunch I wouldn't recommend this route.

    Your best bet under your time limit is to lift heavy weights although there are techniques with light weights that can do the exact same thing, its just way more time consuming and not efficient to do. Lifting will help prevent muscle loss while you're on a deficit. Not sure how much weight you need to lose, but it will get you going in the right direction by August nonetheless.