Anyone ever have a Bakers Cyst?

I was diagnosed with one yesterday (Thank God it wasn't a clot!).

Am I able to exercise with it? The internet says I shouldn't but I figured I would ask here and hope to get the answer I want to hear :smile:

I haven't seen a Dr. yet about it but I will if I have to.


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    if you haven't seen a doctor how are you diagnosed with it?

    and that's a question for your doctor... not the interwebz.
  • if you haven't seen a doctor how are you diagnosed with it?

    and that's a question for your doctor... not the interwebz.

    The radiologist told me.

    I would prefer to hear if someone has actually had one and what they did or didn't do.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Yes, I've had a couple.

    Your doctor can answer this question better, although you shouldn't be exercising with one. The reason the Baker's Cyst came about your body was unhappy with the exercise you were doing and was giving you a sign to quit. Much like when you get a blister on your hand.
  • DebbieKay2424
    DebbieKay2424 Posts: 3 Member
    I had a Bakers Cyst behind my left knee for 10 years. Even though they said it was pretty large it never caused me any problems. They said it was formed after a meniscus tear. I had no restrictions on my activities at all and finally some years later after a meniscus repair was done to my knee the Bakers Cyst is gone. But this is only MY story. Go to your Doctor and find out what is best for you and your particular symptoms. I just thought you would like to hear my story and that it wasn't a problem for me.
  • Thank you. I will see my physician, I may even have to see a specialist because the pain is so bad. It just came on out of nowhere. Maybe it was the lunges I was doing :frown:
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    I actually deal with Baker's Cysts a lot at my job. I'm a neurophysiologist but Baker's cysts are easy to find for me because I stimulate people's nerves with electricity and a fatty cyst behind the knee blocks electrical stimulation to the Sciatic nerve before it bifurcates in the popliteal fossa so people wind up getting their baker's cyst diagnosis at our office even though that's not our specialty. They are generally benign and you can do any activities that you normally would with it as long as it isn't causing significant discomfort or causing your foot/lateral foreleg to go numb, tingle or burn. If any of those symptoms begin then you should stop exercising.
  • I actually deal with Baker's Cysts a lot at my job. I'm a neurophysiologist but Baker's cysts are easy to find for me because I stimulate people's nerves with electricity and a fatty cyst behind the knee blocks electrical stimulation to the Sciatic nerve before it bifurcates in the popliteal fossa so people wind up getting their baker's cyst diagnosis at our office even though that's not our specialty. They are generally benign and you can do any activities that you normally would with it as long as it isn't causing significant discomfort or causing your foot/lateral foreleg to go numb, tingle or burn. If any of those symptoms begin then you should stop exercising.

    I see my physician this Monday. We'll see if he refers me to a specialist or not. I did not exercise this week because it hurts to walk, it even hurts to sit! I'm really bummed out about it as I just got back into exercising.

    So you're a Neuropsychologist, eh? Interesting job.