My new mantra/poem

I can't
I can't control the girth of my thighs.
I can't control my height.
I can't control my current weight.
I can't control what happens throughout the day.
I can't control that others are skinny.
I can't control how fast I lose weight.
I can't control how fast I can gain strength.

I can
I can plan my meals.
I can weigh and measure my food.
I can download an app to remind me to drink water.
I can talk to loved ones when the days are hard.
I can plan my workout schedule and jot my progress on a clipboard.
I can pack snacks to take to work.
I can do something else when I'm bored.
I can peel a tangerine at home and place in a zip-lock bag.

So many simple things I can do and the biggest one is

I can
never quit.
