Post Pregnancy Belly Bulge?

Hello, My name is Chantel and I am a mother of an almost one year old baby boy. I admit I have not been exercising as much as I should be... I do however have a great diet that should help me whittle down my stomach.

What I am looking for is someone (no really, anyone?!?!) who will explain to me or give me a 12 week program to help me workout my midsection. Also any advice at all on treating all the loose skin I am currently carrying around my midsection.-- No seriously my kid is actually 1 year old and my stomach is super deformed and loose and jiggly.

Will exercise eventually help to get rid of all the skin?? I am aware that it's mostly genetics, but any advice I would be grateful to receive.

Thanks :)


  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    First, you can't spot reduce, ever, at all. Sad but true. I really wish you could because, yeah, thighs.

    Also, with the amount of weight you have to lose there's no reason to be overly focused on your stomach. Just losing the weight will show a huge improvement, and it's probably not going to happen in 12 weeks, you should probably expect at least a year. I would encourage you to start a weight lifting routine if possible, something like Stronglifts 5x5 and make sure you get adequate protein (100g or more) while losing in order to maintain muscle and ensure that more of the weight loss is actual fat. Losing weight at a health rate, and maintaining muscle will also help prevent further lose skin.

    Good luck! I know the mental games that having children can play. The hormones, the weight, the constant pull of a new born for all your attention. It's hard but you've got this.
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    First, you can't spot reduce, ever, at all. Sad but true. I really wish you could because, yeah, thighs.

    Also, with the amount of weight you have to lose there's no reason to be overly focused on your stomach. Just losing the weight will show a huge improvement, and it's probably not going to happen in 12 weeks, you should probably expect at least a year. I would encourage you to start a weight lifting routine if possible, something like Stronglifts 5x5 and make sure you get adequate protein (100g or more) while losing in order to maintain muscle and ensure that more of the weight loss is actual fat. Losing weight at a health rate, and maintaining muscle will also help prevent further lose skin.

    Good luck! I know the mental games that having children can play. The hormones, the weight, the constant pull of a new born for all your attention. It's hard but you've got this.
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    Thank you, and yes I am not expecting any quick fixes to help but I do need to up my protein levels for sure and I need to workout more. I will follow that advice.