Do we take weight loss far too seriously??



  • AmandaB4588
    I think the only appropriate (and obvious) answer is that different things work for different people.

    I don't count calories because I DO get too obsessed with it and am too hard on myself about it. Not everybody is like that, though.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Life is certainly for living!
    However some of us on here have a lot of weight to lose and the only way to do it is to be meticulous about calorie counting. Once I get to a normal weight (150lbs for me, 29lbs to go) I will ease up a bit and allow myself the odd treat. But right now, I'm happy to log every mouthful and watch the scales go down.

    I agree. I have over 100 pounds to lose and it won't happen if I don't log in every single thing every single day.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I agree with you a lot.
    BUT I also understand that I really can’t put myself in the shoes of a lot of people here, so I can never fully understand the struggles that some people go thru. What may seem like such a simple concept to me, could be next to impossible for someone else to achieve.

    That said, I do think many times people over complicate things by attempting to adhere to an ultra strict diet plan or methodology and the change is so drastic in such short time, they fail and repeat the cycle with a different methodology hoping that that’s the one.
    I wonder if more people would be more successful if they kept realistic goals, and gradual implementations?
    Start slow, reduce or cut out things you know are bad, pull things into your diet that are healthy. Gradual just might help a lot more people. I also think pulling from different diets also helps. I buy into a lot of the raw eating principles. But to think I could immerse myself completely is absurd in my situation. So I fit it in where I can. I don’t really care for breads, pasta or rice, but I love fish, chicken & meat. So I tend to eat high protein and tons of veggies as my carbs with smaller amounts of coming from rice & grains.

    All that to say, I realize some people need an ultra structured plan to succeed, but for those who continuously fight the cycle from plan to plan, they might be better off trying to blend in aspects that suit their tastes, while still helping them reach their goals.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I agree with both sides as well. I just posted something similiar yesterday. I have stopped keeping my food diary because I want to be able to do this for the rest of my life without a crutch. However, I never would have come this far without strict counting. I have basically taught myself the basic tools to know what I can and can't do to keep losing and eventually maintain my weight. For myself, I don't want to be obsessive about calories the rest of my life. I am already neurotic about too many other things. If I start to slip up I will get back on the diary.

    People are just as diverse as the methods out there. However people can find success is great. We are all here to be healthy and happy!