Staying under calories but losing little weight



  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I agree with everyone that your calorie intake is too low, and someone said you need to eat some veggies. That person is correct! That will add some calories to your day and get you some vitamins and minerals your body probably isn't getting right now. Three servings!
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I always hear people saying to eat your exercise calories, but when I watch the biggest loser and they are working out 6 hours a day do you think Jillian and Bob allow them to eat their exercise calories??
    Don't compare real life with TV. There's a reason most them regain the weight within a year or 2.

    To the OP, your problem is easy: YOUR NOT EATING ENOUGH like others have already mentioned. Males should NOT be eating less than 1800 cals, especially one that's still over 200 lbs. Also, start moving, even going for 20-30 mins walks 3-4 times a week. Any form of exercise will also increase your metabolism.
  • bwenning
    I want to thank everyone for the replies. On a very tyical day I get veggies in at lunch and Dinner. I will start being more active in the excercise area. The resounding message I got from everyone was eat more calories. The salt intake on the example I posted earlier was high because of a Wendys Chili putting me over on sodium for the day. Normally my meals consist of Oatmeal and Peanut Butter Sandwich on 35 cal whole Grain Bread in the morning, Turkey or chicken breast with steamed veggies for Lunch and Dinner. I will also have fruit for at least one of the meals. I will try eating more calories for a week or two and then repost my results. I know it sounds strange but I constantly feel full until the next meal. I dont crave really anything and I am content. Just trying to figure out how to put more calories in without feeling over full.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    And easy way to increase the calories is to eat a palm full of nuts! They are wonderful for you but high in calories. Peanut butter is great as well. If I don't have any nuts in the house I will eat a tablespoonful of peanut butter. OR when you eat your apple have peanut butter with it. You can dip it!
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Oh and...there are some mornings when all I want for breakfast is a PB & banana sandwich! Try using light versions of mayo and not the fat free. Some have the good mono and unsat fats that are good for our heart. Smart Balance makes a great mayo and butter spread that we use. You also might want to check and see what you have your weekly weight loss goal is set at. If you have it set for losing a lot of weight in a week, readjust it for 1 1/2lbs. per week and see what it does. Play around with it, you will learn what works for YOUR body because everyone is different and what works for one, won't neccesarily work for another! You are doing great!