
ReedWA Posts: 12 Member
I'm new to MFP and have seen quite a few posts about Fitbit. I looked up their website but would appreciate feedback from anyone who is using it, either favorable or unfavorable. I'm not worried about the cost, but rather if it is helpful in meeting your exercise and eating goals.


  • s_light
    s_light Posts: 58 Member
    I have a Fitbit. I like mine to keep track of how much I move throughout the day, each day I try for a little bit more than yesterday and it helps keep me accountable. I don't use the app for food intake, I don't like it.
  • skylineprints
    skylineprints Posts: 31 Member
    hi, i have been using FitBit for about 10 days. It has helped me. i have pedometer that I was using. that's good but FitBit helps me track my activity level (treadmill, ellipical), miles during the day, sleep patterns, etc... for me it's been a good addition to MFP.
  • ReedWA
    ReedWA Posts: 12 Member
    Are you using the food tracker?
  • jessicaadair
    jessicaadair Posts: 14 Member
    About the food tracker - You can link your fitbit with MFP, so you only have to log in one location. I like to log on MFP b/c it's a lot easier.
  • m2h2seashore
    m2h2seashore Posts: 1 Member
    I've been using the Fitbit Zip for about 10 months now and love it. I'm looking to upgrade, but not sure yet which one I'll move up to. I don't like the food app, but Fitbit and MFP share information pretty seamlessly. Fitbit gives me a much lower calorie intake allowance per day for the same weight loss goals which I find really hard to achieve. The one thing I don't like is that my active minutes transfer over as 1 minute despite how many minutes I truly achieve which does skew my activity goals in MFP.

    If you go for a Fitbit (which I strongly recommend), go for a One or a Flex. These seem to be the ones that are best loved by users. They have some very nice community groups also which if you are somewhat competitive can help motivate you if don't like being ranked in the lower numbers.

    Hope this helps.
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    I have had my Flex for a little over a month and I love it. I have MFP and Fitbit synced so I only log food on MFP, never had an issue. I like that I can choose weight loss goals and my fitbit app will help me achieve them, I go by the calories there other than MFP and I lose on average 1,5 pounds a week. I love meeting my goals then breaking them and making new ones, I love the sleep tracker too, I never sleep well but my fitbit makes me try to get to bed earlier so I can get better sleep. I highly recommend getting one!
  • johe28
    johe28 Posts: 108 Member
    I like the fitbit to keep me moving, especially since some people I am friends with have high step counts. I don't ever use it to log food. Not that it's bad, but it's not my preference. I do like the sleep tracking though.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have a FItbit One, and LOVE IT. I log my food on MFP (although have been very lax about that lately), and I have my Fitbit set up to sync with MFP.

    On the Fitbit site, you can track your glucous readings, your blood pressure, etc.

    My FAVORITE thing about the site, is on the dashboard, you can click on "Month" and get a chart of "Calories in vs. calories burned". As long as you burn more than you take in, you will lose weight.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    I have a desk job so I don't move a lot. Before my Fitbit I wasn't motivated, or I should say, I didn't think about moving around. Since I've had it I've made more of an effort to get going and walk. Seeing how much or how little I've moved for the day really motivates me. Plus I have the negative adjustments setting on MFP. Taking away calories for my day is a MAJOR motivator for me to get moving :)

    I'd say it's a good investment if you need the extra reminder to get moving.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    I've had teh Fitbit One since Christmas. I really like it. I work a desk job, so it motivates me to move more and climb more stairs!!
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I also have a Fitbit One and work a desk job. I was amazed at how few steps i did daily. It's a great motivator for me.
  • ReedWA
    ReedWA Posts: 12 Member
    I went ahead and purchased the Fitbit One. It will arrive tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to using it instead of Pacer. Thanks to all who provided feedback!