TEACHER FRIENDS: How do you refrain from the BTS stress eat

I soooooooooooooo need help.....this continues to happen year, after year, after year! I can't break this vicious cycle! It's so bad that Ihave rescheduled a doctor's appt TWICE now because i don't want to get on his scale! HELP!!!!

I would love to know what works for you...

(Please feel free to add me as a friend for support)!


  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Above my Dr.'s scale is a sign that says, "think of this number as your IQ and not your weight." I liked it - didn't really help much, but at least it made me smile through the torture.

    I think for me, it was just an opportunity to see where I was really at. It is painful, but remember that only you, your Dr., and the nurses that look at your file are going to know what that number is (it's HIPPA). So, choose to ignore the number on the scale and keep doing what you are doing. If you really need to go to that Dr. appt., it is better to just bite the bullet and get it over with, so you can have your medical concerns attended to. Take a deep breath and remember - This is YOUR JOURNEY and YOU ARE IN CONTROL.


  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    I always get on the scale backwards. I went in once when I was underweight (for ED issues) and they made me get on backwards so I couldn't see the number. Even now that I"m recovered (and a bit heavier than i need to be lol) I still get on backwards just to save myself the torture. When I don't weigh myself I feel much better. The number is stupid and it's stupid to let it ruin your day. Although trust me, I KNOW that it does anyway. So if you don't want to see it, don't look. And you can ask them not to read it to you either.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Unfortunately, my doc is very into analyzing all aspects of health...soy thre is NO way I'm getting out of there without knowing that he knows I've gained 10 lbs since last year. :(

    But more importantly, I need tips on beating Stress eating...