Teased for Tracking



  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    When ever I tell people I am tracking everything I eat.. and weighing it.. I get all sorts of weird comments.. eventually they all get to WHY would you do that..

    And I have one easy Standard reply..

    I show them a pic..


    That is why!!! I NEVER want to look like a beach ball again!

    I have my old drivers license with photo of me around 245#. Then I ask "have you ever lost 78lbs?"
  • mwyner001
    mwyner001 Posts: 5 Member
    People at work used to poke fun of me scanning and logging everything too.

    Until I started losing weight. And then more weight. All I do is log, be careful with my calories, and walk a couple of miles every day, as I watch the numbers on the scale slowly decrease.

    They don't really poke fun at me any more. :smile:
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    well you know what they say: opinions are like *kitten*, everybody has one. Those are the same people in a decade or so who will be whining about why they cant lose weight and be fat or at least unhealthy. It is a proven statistic that people who stay aware of what and when they eat are the ones who will maintain a healthy lifestyle (and weight) for life. I find ways to respond lately.. when I get the same dam comment or question from the same people. I either redirect the question.. or don't respond. Losing weight is like doing science/math so that you can manipulate your body's natural mechanism to maintain your weight by eating at a deficit. Now I just described that in the most simplest terms possible but with that being stated, most people don't understand that and if they have an inclination of that fact, don't want to put in the time to do it. Just do you and they can watch you shrink. I would stop responding to them altogether or think of clever ways to respond differently. IF someone is not supportive of you then they don't deserve a response. This is my thoughts on this. :flowerforyou:
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I'm pretty private about my tracking and the way that I eat because of this. I think diet is a personal thing. I just write myself a quick note on my phone of what I'm eating if I don't want to track in front of people, and just log it later. I don't really see a need to be rude to the people who are being rude to you about tracking. I normally just brush it off - why stoop to their level?

    "I'm a big fan of the data I get when I track my food all the time."
    "I want to make sure I'm eating the right things and amounts - I've had trouble with this before."
    "Trying to lose some weight and it's hard to fix a problem when I don't know what's wrong."
    "It's been working out for me so far, so I don't really have a reason to stop."
    "I like tracking my food and being able to see patterns in how I eat."

    But ultimately, their judgement should have no power over you. If they want to think that knowing what you're eating is a bad thing, then let them. They're the ones that are going to suffer the consequences in the end. Keep doing what you're doing.
  • Crysty2010
    Crysty2010 Posts: 26 Member
    15lbs lost - enough said. Keep up the good work!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    "I'm sorry- how is this any of your business again"

    "I'm not asking you to weigh your food"

    "it takes you longer to complain about my logging than it does for me to log my food"

    " I'm sorry- how is this disrupting your day"

    "I'm sorry I didn't realize your life was so boring you had to spend your day nosing about mine"

    "I'm sorry how much weight have you lost this month?"

    "I'm sorry- how much is your dead lift at this point??"

    "I'm sorry when was the last XXXX event you ran??:

    my number one- for all time rudie of all rude's is

    "when I want to look like you- I'll eat like you"

    "I'm pooping at 3 PM this afternoon- if you could be there to add your comments in on that - it would be great- because I really do appreciate your input in my life!!!"

    people are so rude.

    You're doing fine- don't give them the satisfaction. seriously. push back a little and keep on being fierce. No body has time for that type of rubbish atttidue.

    For the WIN.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    one of my coworkers caught me weighing out some fried chicken one day and was worried that I'd finally crossed over into being anorexic. I just explained that I "need to make sure that I'm fueling the fire enough, because this engine runs HOT! *cycles through some mr universe poses*"

    I can appreciate people who are brave enough to say something because they think you might be hurting yourself, but...

    people who do it just to be mean/feel better about themselves need to put the haterade back in the fridge.
  • spacelump
    spacelump Posts: 233 Member
    People's diets and body choices are very personal, as you said. Sounds like its time for you to put up some healthy boundaries with said people. Sometimes people aren't aware of the effects their words can have. Your vent is completely valid. I come from a family of people with eating disorders and a complete lack of respect for boundaries, so I've had to learn to advocate for my privacy. I have said in the past, quite simply, " My body is mine and mine alone. I'm not public domain. It is not open for comment".

    Not a word had been said since. Just how I like it.
  • vastiris
    vastiris Posts: 56 Member
    Sometimes people tease goodnaturedly, "So does that thing zap you if you eat something wrong?"

    Sometimes people shake their head and say it's making things harder than they need to be.

    Most people, though, at first think it's crazy, but when I explain that I'm also working out, they seem to think that since it's part of a 'bigger plan', it makes sense. That's one reaction I find to be interesting.

    Then, of course, they want to know all about it. People seem to get curious, especially when I show them the pie chart breakdown of my macros.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    Happens all the time. People ask. I tell them, I don't usually get harassed for it though, everyone at work knows because it is a small office and they see me eating ALL DAY LONG!!! LOL! But they also know I have lost weight!!! :) The SO is in with me so he knows what is all about. My family and friends look at me strange but whatever again they see it is working.

    One of the women in the office signed up here. One of my gfriends after seeing my results and at first being all like no way I couldn't do that, sounds too time consuming and no one's got time for that,,, finally signed up as well. I guess she is tired of being well over 50 pounds overweight! And I am happy for her.

    The general consensus is it is too much work, takes too long or is considered obsessive. Or there has to be a 'better' way, meaning easier or faster.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I have been really lucky. I only get teased by my daughter, she likes to tell everyone about my logging and how I am so anal about it. But on the same note I think she enjoys showing off and bragging about my weight loss more than I do. She is very proud of what I have accomplished, and I almost have her on board to give it a shot.
    All of my friends are very supportive of what I am doing, and all teasing is in fun. I even had one friend give me a permission slip one weekend to go over my calorie allotment because we were at an event for the weekend. It was so sweet, I still have the note.
  • Heir0fFir3
    Heir0fFir3 Posts: 50 Member
    Just punch them for thinking OCD is something you can "be". Surely only truly ignorant people could think you can be a disorder?
  • needlerknits
    needlerknits Posts: 20 Member
    Just punch them for thinking OCD is something you can "be". Surely only truly ignorant people could think you can be a disorder?

    I'm glad you said this. When a person is reduced to their disorder, it's very demeaning. Even "he's a diabetic". Bipolar, hypertensive, asthmatic, OCD, or autistic. To which he should reply, "I have diabetes. It is not who I am." I read another phrase the other week but I don't remember which disorder it was for. "I have xyz. It doesn't have me."
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    Love the responses here. I'm using them! I do get tired of the comments on my almost daily salad lunch. I know they are being supportive, but I don't need to hear it on a daily basis "look how good you are, eating such a healthy lunch". Yep, just like every other day.

    Fortunately, at home, my family gets a kick out of it. The latest thing is those darn Cadbury mini eggs. If you only have 6, there aren't too many calories to track. My 17 year old son asks me after dinner if I have room for 6. Ha!
  • Heir0fFir3
    Heir0fFir3 Posts: 50 Member
    Just punch them for thinking OCD is something you can "be". Surely only truly ignorant people could think you can be a disorder?

    I'm glad you said this. When a person is reduced to their disorder, it's very demeaning. Even "he's a diabetic". Bipolar, hypertensive, asthmatic, OCD, or autistic. To which he should reply, "I have diabetes. It is not who I am." I read another phrase the other week but I don't remember which disorder it was for. "I have xyz. It doesn't have me."

    Exactly, although what really gets me is people who say they're "so OCD" about something when they just mean anal.

    Sorry OP, seem to have hijacked your post for my own rant.
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member
    My mom got scared when I told her I was tracking and weighing all of my foods. She thought it was going to lead me to anorexia. I was like NO. How else are you supposed to know how much you are putting into your body unless you watch what you eat?

    Watching what you eat consists of more than watching it go from your plate and into your mouth. But we all know that.

    I just try to avoid telling people my methods and just let them be like "ooooh.. you look good what have you been doing?!" "Eating right and working out." Period. :P

    And it blows their minds.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I am quite lucky I guess. Everybody who I speak to about MFP is very supportive as they can see it is working for me.
    My mom and my sister use it because I told them how useful it is.

    Anyway I really could not give a monkeys at what anyone thinks so there would be no point in teasing me. I have lost 23lb so far and it has a lot to do with myfitnesspal.
    Seeing the numbers on the scales go down, the numbers on the measuring tape go down and being able to get into smaller clothes (I got into a UK size 14 this morning for the first time in about 12 months) is all that matters to me.
    The opinion of others means nothing at all to me.

    My advise for you is to not discuss your weight loss with those who are what I call toxic, surround yourself with supporters and ignore the rest :-)
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    "I'm sorry- how is this any of your business again"

    "I'm not asking you to weigh your food"

    "it takes you longer to complain about my logging than it does for me to log my food"

    " I'm sorry- how is this disrupting your day"

    "I'm sorry I didn't realize your life was so boring you had to spend your day nosing about mine"

    "I'm sorry how much weight have you lost this month?"

    "I'm sorry- how much is your dead lift at this point??"

    "I'm sorry when was the last XXXX event you ran??:

    my number one- for all time rudie of all rude's is

    "when I want to look like you- I'll eat like you"

    "I'm pooping at 3 PM this afternoon- if you could be there to add your comments in on that - it would be great- because I really do appreciate your input in my life!!!"

    people are so rude.

    You're doing fine- don't give them the satisfaction. seriously. push back a little and keep on being fierce. No body has time for that type of rubbish atttidue.

    We would get on well in RL :-) Sound like things I say to nosy parkers :-)
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    You shouldn't HAVE to do anything, because it's really none of their biz...but one poster on here made a great suggestion in another thread:

    Tell them you're in training for a (insert anything you might train for here) It could be a competition, 5k, triathlon, whatever. People tend to leave athletes in training alone.
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    It IS hard to fathom how weighing all your food isnt OCD. Its empowering, but I have to confess that its an idea I struggled with prior to joining MFP. But It lets me eat all the foods I want (that arent off limits due to allergies). I get to eat EVERYTHING because I weigh. There are no bad foods if I can meet my calorie and general macro goals. It gives me more freedom, not less. I avoided calorie counting for years because I thought it would restrict. I was wrong.
