Fitbit or Polar FT4 or FT7

Which one do you prefer? Looking into both of them.


Thank you!


  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I have the FT4. I can't download any of my data and I think it only saves 5 or 6 workouts. My husband had the FT7. I think it saves more and you can download stuff. Depends on what you want.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Depends on what you want from them. A Fitbit is more about giving you an estimate of all day burn and from what I've read only works for step-based activity (although this may be just for certain models. The Polar FT4/FT7 is to be used only during cardio workouts. It will not give you an accurate all day burn and it will not accurately estimate strength training calories burned.

    If you get down to needing to choose between the two Polars, they have a great comparison tool on the Polar site. Link below - you just have to choose the model from the drop down menus at the top and the scroll down to see a comparison of features.

    P.S. I have an FT4. It acts up now and then but works pretty good and I feel it's pretty accurate.
  • vms4evr
    vms4evr Posts: 106 Member
    The Polar FT4/FT7 is to be used only during cardio workouts. It will not give you an accurate all day burn and it will not accurately estimate strength training calories burned.

    Where did you see this? I just bought a pair of FT7s for myself and GF. We are using them now for X3 training, mainly the cardio based stuff. I used it for the strength training and used more calories than cardio. I just figured strength training is harder on me and works my heart more. The HR info shows I do work harder and sure sweat a lot more.

    Can you provide me links or data on this for strength training?
  • Kittysaurusrex13
    Kittysaurusrex13 Posts: 343 Member
    I'm loving my Fitbit Flex. I have it set to steps right now, but you can set it to calories burned as well. IT has a great website, and it's a huge motivator for me throughout the day.