to those who think i only lost 0.2 kilos (7oz)this week

I dont usually post in forums much but i wondered if this might help someone out there.. i have been battling the weight for a long time.. and still have far to go but in the last 20 months i have lost 27.7 kilos(61 lbs 1 oz) which when you say it like that sounds alot how ever.. did you realise that only averages out to a 1.38 kilos( 3ls 6 oz) a month or 322grams(11oz) a week. i have gone from a size 26 to an 18 and i even am starting to feel like im not just the "fat chick".

the last time i lost weight the story was the same 28 months . 33.6 kilos(74 lbs 1 oz) which averages 1.2(2lb 10oz) a month or 277 grams(9oz) a week.

so i guess what im trying to say is dont give up or say buts its only becuase this is proof all the its onlys add up.

my goal atm is to loose another 30 kilos (66lbs 2 oz) which based on the previous weightloss i will give myself another 2 years too loose realistically and im ok with that.. i have been big for a long time and its not going to go over night . i stick to my nutrional goals most the time.. but like everyone have times of weakness. i lost the first 24 kilos just walking.. i have an old injury and didnt want to flare it up.. but now im lighter fitter stronger., i have joined the gym and am doing a combo of weights and cardio .. and still walking too .

i am a girl that could barely walking to my letter box at the start of this journey im only 165 cm(5ft 4 ) and was 135.2 kilos (298 lbs 1 oz) now i think nothing of walking 10 kms(6.2 miles).. in a day.. or hitting the gym for a couple of hours .

what im trying to say is.. dont be hard on yourselves.. if you can only walk a short distance.. slowly build it up.. every bit counts.. and dont be disapointed by small losses on the scales.. its all loss. and every little bit counts.. every bit.. just like everything you eat counts.. dont cheat yourself by not putting everything into your diary the only one that will hurt in the long run is you .. and most of all be happy with who you are and what you are achieving.. do it just for you just for your health and happiness. Be proud you are here trying whether the scale is moving or not.. there are plenty of people out there not trying or not caring.. just wanting to change makes you an amazing person.. embrace it..


  • Dreamermoth
    Dreamermoth Posts: 56 Member
    Well said Amy. As you have said it "all adds up" and slowly does it.. You have done a fantastic job and the out come is reward for your dedication to your journey.
    Wishing you all the best and as much support as I can (cyberly) for the part of this journey.

    Go Girl.. :flowerforyou:
  • amousey80
    amousey80 Posts: 10 Member
    i know roma you have always been there for me :) and i love you for it xxx
  • love this type of thinking Amy :) very proud of you I am :)
  • Deedle7544
    Deedle7544 Posts: 185 Member
    Great post!!!!