Weight Loss Surgery Denial (Question)

Please don't bite me... I had inquired about bariatric surgery about a year ago. I was denied due to having a personality disorder. Does anyone here know if there is a way I could appeal their decision? I just can't seem to do this on my own. I've been trying and trying for years. I lost weight before, but gained it all back. I keep trying, but I keep failing. I also am insulin resistant due to PCOS, prediabetic, and have high triglycerides, and chronic back pain. I am only 22, and am very short... 4'11. :(


  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    This sounds more like you need to seek some legal and/or medical advice rather than ask on here. You may well get some judgemental responses.
  • I understand that I might, and if so that does not mean I need to listen to any judgements. I am just curious of the route I could take to appeal this, but I suppose it may not have been appropriate to ask here. I am just really lost.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Have you seen an endocrinologist? If you're pre-diabetic, then you probably have some kind of a specialist available to you. Ask to see a nutritionist that can discuss your dietary options with you; they're really sharp and know what they're doing.

    I was also turned down for bariatric surgery, but not for the same reason - my endocrinologist just flat out said no, that I could do it without surgery. And she was right. She worked with me and a staff nutritionist and we got a plan together that I could live with.

    Here I am, 117 pounds lighter and still going. :)

    Don't get discouraged. Even if bariatric surgery isn't open to you, there's other avenues you can pursue. Don't give up. :)
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I would assume you would have to seek professional assistance in order to appeal.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Please don't bite me... I had inquired about bariatric surgery about a year ago. I was denied due to having a personality disorder. Does anyone here know if there is a way I could appeal their decision? I just can't seem to do this on my own.

    This is going to depend on the healthcare regime and legal system you fall under. Simplest thing initially is usually to ask for a second opinion or ask the administrator of the scheme about appeals etc.

    WLS requires the patient to restrict their food intake, if by your own admission you can't do that then the prospects for success are not great. Long term results are typically that half of the excess weight is lost.