Seeking advice - Wrinkly Skin in my early 20's



  • RomulanWarbird
    105lbs is amazing, You have done so well!!!

    I don't think your picture even looks bad, I think with a good prescribed cream from your doctor it will clean up. Also do some good core exercises to tighten up them lower stomach muscles.

    You have done so well & should be so proud of yourself!

    Well done!

    My sister has stretch marks and she brought this derma roller thing with oil, and it has very thin needles you roll over the areas, which creates a small hole, then the oil gets into the skin.. Maybe look into that?

    I might look into it for the roller thing for my stretch mark areas. I don't have many but I'll probably have more when I lose more. My aunt gave my something yesterday that's a little doo-dad that sends electric pulses (you barely feel anything) on your wrinkly parts. She lots of ton of weight in her fifties and she said even though all her bits didn't disappear, the little machine helped them shrink faster. That part under her neck, which isn't a problem area for me, looks really good on her now and her face isn't as wrinkly as it used to be after her loss, so maybe it will help my belly.

    I'm going to try that and see how it look. Might use the derma roller on my face. I had bad acne as a young teen and now I have little scars and wear makeup every day.