Scared to leave comfort zone

It seems like i eat about the same thing each week (for about 5 wks) guess i'm trying to first get use to counting calories and eating within a certain cal range without feeling like I'm starving to death. .I know I will need to venture out with different foods before too long so I don't become bored and quit. Now on my days off.. i seem to get off track and EAT OUT high calorie food with my daughter.. so I am still struggling with the Calories still.

So any suggestions...1. should i just keep doing the same menu during the work week, until I can learn to control the calories on non work days? 2. do I need to change NOW before it gets too boring?

Currently I am averaging about a pound a week, been trying for 5 weeks..but 3 of those weeks I went WAY over my calorie count... i don't get home until 11pm from work and well I would binge bad.. not sure if it was true hunger.. or depression from coming home to an empty house day after day after day.. sorry bout that.. but that's where i am in life.

I am open to hear any suggestions to help me move forward on this road to getting healthy. Thank you.