
Hi guys,

I'm trying to lose 30 lbs, I gained some weight after switching to a desk job and still eating recklessly. I heard about iifym and just calculated my macros. The results were:

(Grams per day)
Carbs: 34.1
Protein: 196
Fat: 78.4
Fiber: 39-49
Calories: 1626

**(Does this look right? I mean, that's a lot of protein)

Now, how to I fit this into daily meals & calculate to MFP?
For example: if my meal is a grilled chicken breast & some asparagus how do I figure out how many grams of carbs, protein, fat and fiber each of these has?
I'm a bit confused with that part of macros because sure, I can log it into MFP but if it's homemade I wouldn't know how to find the info...

Help please!