Flu Shot or No Flu Shot...?

erinkate82 Posts: 53
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
My company is offering free flu shots this year to all employees and one additional family member (e.g. spouse or dependent).

Is it a good idea go get a flu shot? I have gotten a few in the past but even years that I haven't gotten a shot, I haven't gotten sick.



  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Depends on how your body reacts to it. If you are healthy and don't tend to get sick, then I don't see much reason to get the shot. I will tell you if your considering though, the shot is a dead virus, the mist is a live virus. Many people have reactions to both, I have problems with the shot making me sick for 3-5 days and a fever in the shot site for 2 weeks.. The mist gives me a runny nose for a day. Also, if you have an alergy to eggs you can not take the flu vax, it and many other vax are grown in eggs. I hope I helped some. Good luck.
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    I have 2 medical conditions that don't allow me to get the flu shot so I rely [foolishly] on people around me to get the shot. This is what I find funny : those who do get the shot in my family are always the ones who contract the flu.

    I think it's a good idea if you have people around you who can't get the shot, like me. That helps protect those of us who can't protect ourselves.
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    I've gotten one every year for the past 6 years and will get one again this year. I hear that if you get it and still get sick sometimes you don't get AS sick.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    If you live with any small children or people with weakened immune systems, get it for them. If not, then it's entirely up to you.

    However, I took the same approach last year and didn't get one because I never get the flu, then got H1N1 and it took me 3 months to fully recover. It sucked a ton.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    My own personal opinion is NOT TOO!!!!. The one year I worked in a family practice drs office got it free and I had more sicknesse and illness then I have ever have.

    I never got it again. If your eating healthy and workingout then I dont think people NEED that put into there body!!!! This is my thoughts. I have the same thoughts about giving teen girls that Gardasel shot in there teens. I am not about that! YOur body has an immune system for a reason to fight off colds ect. I am rarelly sick maybe a little cold once a year. The only time I seem to get sick is if I am over training were I have broke my immune system down to far. I would suggest research and do what it right for yo and your family! DONT DO IT BECAUSE SOMEONE SAID TOO!!!!!
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    I got H1N1 too, but a regular influenza shot won't protect against that. I have been getting flu shots for years, and have never had adverse effects with it. I would recommend getting one. I got mine yesterday in fact. :happy:

    There will be plenty of people that say not to get immunized, but they benefit every day from immunizations and don't realize it. Immunizations have completely eliminated Polio. Imagine if people had not had the shot because they were currently healthy! The disease that crippled and killed would still be around today. Having a shot once and getting sick is not a reason to ban all shots. I don't take shots because I am "told" to...I take them because they are proven to help.

    On a side note, I just took my second booster of Gardasil. If the immune system were such a great thing, why does cervical cancer kill so many women? If there is an immunization that can prevent cancer, why deny young girls that chance?

    Whew, sorry about my perch up on this soap box. Climbing down!! Wishing you all good health during these colder months. :drinker:
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Yes, get one. The flu shot does not make you sick.
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    I always get the flu shot. Never had a problem with it.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I get one every year--it might just be a fluke, but since I've started getting them I haven't gotten the flu, and I've noticed that I just get sick less overall (maybe the annual shot "primes" my immune system... or, like I said, maybe it's just good luck). Personally, I think vaccines are usually pretty effective and safe, and my Mom has asthma that predisposes her to pneumonia from even the common cold, so I figure it can't hurt to at least try and protect myself and others. (Also, I work in health care, and they give 'em for free, so why not?)
  • hkuiuc99
    hkuiuc99 Posts: 79 Member
    I usually recommend the flu shot because as someone else mentioned, if you get sick after you had the flu shot, you generally do not get as sick as those who did not get the shot. Also, if you work or spend a lot of time in common areas like grocery stores, schools, hospitals or other places where there are a lot of people and you are exposed to a lot of "germs' it might be a good idea. I work in "healthcare" so I get it every year, last year even got the H1N1 vaccine and I usually get "flu like symptoms" for a day or so. I also have my daughter get the vaccine. My husband has an egg allergy so he does not get the vaccine.

    hope that helps!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I got H1N1 too, but a regular influenza shot won't protect against that.

    This year's flu shot includes the H1N1 virus. :smile:
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    Just got my yesterday and have had one every year for about 10 years or so. I haven't gotten the flu in all that time - I still get colds - you can't help that with kids - but why take the chance?
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Another bit of info on the flue shot... It is the strain the gov THINKS will go around this year, and as virus's go it can change. The shot will help if the gov guessed right, however if the virus changes or its a diff strain, everyone is still at risk.

    That said I did get the mist (I'm also military and was ordered to) It doesn't hurt to try to prevent it, but your not guaranteed to not get sick. Just make the decision based on your self and your family.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I have gotten it some years (and no flu/sickness) and have also had years without it and no flu/sickness. Now that I have a baby I get mine, my husband gets his and the baby will at his next dr's appt. It's entirely up to you. I'll take my chances of maybe getting a little sick, because I know as a SAHM I can't afford to actually get the flu.
  • Dammitviv
    Dammitviv Posts: 117
    I think its awesome that your company is offering them free. Its always a good idea to have that extra protection, I caught last years flu, and it was the most miserable week I can remember in a long time. Why risk catching it if you don't have to.
  • I had a weirdness against getting one for a long time. I got the flu four times within a 5 month time frame and decided I would try it out. I have gotten one since.

    But everyone is different. The choice has to be up to you.
  • Kippster
    Kippster Posts: 25 Member
    I myself work in health care and i see many people get sick from the flu shot, as for me i won't and don't get the shot, i do not believe in injecting foreign STUFF into my body. If you eat right and look after yourself you should be fine without it, i did not get sick last year but the year before i did,and even so i won't get the shot. It's what ever you believe in.:smile:
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Yes, get one. The flu shot does not make you sick.
    You're kidding right? I know plenty of people that get sick after getting it, my father for one, was had a really bad headache for 5 days after getting the shot, and his Dr. even said it was a reaction to the shot, so please refrain from posting ignorant comments like that.

    Personally, I have never received the shot, and will not in the future. My body has an immune system for a reason. I refuse to introduce non-essential foreign bodies in my system. If I get the flu...oh well. I'll survive. I got the flu maybe 3-4 times in my 39 years, and I survived them all, without a shot.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yes, get one. The flu shot does not make you sick.
    You're kidding right? I know plenty of people that get sick after getting it, my father for one, was had a really bad headache for 5 days after getting the shot, and his Dr. even said it was a reaction to the shot, so please refrain from posting ignorant comments like that.

    I believe the poster meant that it does not give you the flu as it is a dead virus (in the case of the shot). Yes, some people have reactions to the shots.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Don't only listen to opinions, do research based on legitimate facts. Here's one interesting MUST READ article/video on the subject: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/09/26/Flu-Vaccine-Exposed.aspx. FYI: It is worth it to sign up for the newsletter. I never get spammed and it's always good info. You can always unsubscribe.
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