How can I tame my hunger?!?!

lungti Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been staying under my 1200 calories and eating really smart foods, but I'm so hungry in the afternoons I can't stand it! I thought it may be that I need more protein, but yesterday I went over 2 grams on my protein (though i'm not sure that matters). Also, I'm sure it's not a result of just being thirsty as my entire life I've always been a big drinker....haha...a big fluid intaker that is...I drink lots of water and iced tea throughout the day...I literally always have one in my hands. So what gives? Im afraid I'll binge big time if I can't get the hunger pains and stomach growling under control......any thoughts?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    under 1200 cals and hungry.. I would say the best option would be to eat something, your body is telling you something.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If not, you're way under 1200. You want at least 1200 NET, meaning that you have to eat exercise cals. I go over on protein every day. Protein helps to build lean muscle... so that won't hurt you. Protein does help you stay full longer, so that's how I would go. BUT make sure you're eating your exercise calories!
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Protein! Lots of protein! Doesn't matter if you go over MFP's protein limit... you'll find that you'll eat less overall if you consume more protein. :-)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Maybe change your goal to 1 or 1.5 lbs/week, this will give you more calories, and and FYI, you should not be under your 1200 cal goal, you should be within 100 cals over or under. You can also try to eat less calorie dense food such as vegetables. They are full of fiber and don't contain very many calories, fiber helps you feel full longer. Try also not to drink your calories, as you will use up some of your calories but have nothing to curb hunger as you stomach will still be empty a couple minutes after you finish drinking.

    The other option is to exercise. If you exercise you get to eat those extra calories.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Are you eating 5 times per day? 3 meals and 2 snacks? Spreading out your calories should help keep you satisfied if you are eating the right foods. Water, fiber & protein are key! Eating a good breakfast is also very helpful in controlling your hunger for the rest of the day. If you open up your food diary, we can offer specific advice to your diet. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    yep they are right you know! You gotta eat your 1200 and most of your exercise calories too.

    I have 3 meals and ALWAYS have something mid morning and mid afternoon too

    I find that wholegrain cereals like albran are good for keeping me fuller longer, apples, carrots, salad galore....... but at the end of the day there are choices to be made......lots and lots of fresh foods in big quantities = not many cals and a full stomach , small high cal foods leave you with big gaps in between your meals and an empty stomach

    make good choices and fill up your fuel tank with the best fuel you can and you will not go hungry!!!!!! good luck
  • I would roast up a nice big casserole dish of chicken, summer squash, mushrooms, and zucchini drizzled in olive oil, fresh basil, salt, pepper and a little lemon and pig out.

    Or maybe bake some turkey and a big casserole dish of green beans, red peppers, onion, drizzled with olive oil, salt and pepper.

    Or perhaps halibut/tilapia/cod/ wrapped in tinfoil with diced carrots, diced celery, green onion, fresh parsley, and sliced lemon and bake it for 15 to 20 minutes.

    Not in the mood to bake you about a bed of spring mix greens, topped with grilled salmon celery, cucumber, tomato, feta cheese, sliced mango with a tad of olive oil and lemon drizzled on top.

    One thing I wouldn't do is be, eat, eat, it's good for you.

    I have lost 2 pounds a week the past month eating all this and lot's more and walking, pilates, and stretching.

    Best wishes!!!
  • 241122
    241122 Posts: 2
    Up your fat intake, drop your carbs. Use sugar free jelly to avoid hunger
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    A month ago when I started this process I was consuming about 4000 calories. Yesterday I went to bed having only eated 1120.

    My plan this week has been to eat more frequently. I'm actually eating 100 calories every hour on the hour adn I can't skip an hour. The goal was to (1) allow myself to eat some of the foods I had been craving but not allowing myself to have (2) eat smaller so I strink my stomach so when/if I do binge eat my stomach won't be able to handle a large quanity of food (3) space out my eating so I'm not hungry. That's why I make myself eat every hour, so I don't have the chance to get hungry.

    The benefits I have found are (1) I am SO less stressed about eating and making food choices because I've allowed myself the foods that I didn't before. They just have to be in 100 calorie portions. And believe me it didn't take long for me to learn that that tiny slice of hamburger compared to a large piece of fruit wasn't much. So I have made better choices. (2) I drink more water. apparently my highest water drinking times were with meals to wash my food down. So now that I'm eating more frequently, I'm drinking more frequently.

    This may not work for you but I've loved it.

    Overall - Just try eating smaller meals more frequently. And I agree with those that said not to drink your calories. It leaves your stomach craving some attention.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Up your fat intake, drop your carbs. Use sugar free jelly to avoid hunger

    How would increasing your fat work? If you increase your fat which is 9 clas per gram vs 4 for carb or protein, you would actually be consuming less food, making you more hungry and the quantity of food would decrease leaving your stomach empty. the clioandboy above had better ways to curb hunger.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I agree with what some other posters said.. It's okay to go over a little.. if you're hungry- you're hungry. Almonds are a great go-to snack for me in the afternoons. They're really filling. I get really hungry in the afternoons too. I also try to trick myself by chewing some flavorful gum instead of eating something. I'm trying to stay right around 1200 calories a day too and it's not easy but I see people I work with eating next to nothing all day long (no breakfast or lunch- and I know that's not healthy, but they're seeing a lot of progress) so I guess it's possible to just go without!
  • mc1217
    mc1217 Posts: 108 Member
    you should never eat under 1200 calories-- even if you are doing 0 exercise-- even if the numbers/guidelines on MFP suggest it. i've read countless things in books, articles, etc. & have been told face-to-face this same thing. your body will go into starvation mode & hang on to every little thing you eat-- because it essentially thinks you're starving it. it will then be more difficult to lose weight... not to mention, it's unhealthy. not trying to be mean-- just want you to know eating 1200 & below isn't the best idea.

    to answer your question, i found a list of the top ten filling foods for dieters...

    1) potatoes (not fries)
    2) fish
    3) oatmeal
    4) oranges
    5) apples
    6) whole wheat pasta
    7) steak
    8) grapes
    9) air-popped popcorn
    10) bran cereal

    i've hear anything with protein helps, so you can try a protein bar or tofu if you don't eat/like meat. also, maybe it's just me, but i find that warm beverages are filling (which reminds me-soup is filling as well). so, maybe like a low-calorie hot chocolate or hot tea?
  • Also, V-8 juice!
  • 241122
    241122 Posts: 2
    Up your fat intake, drop your carbs. Use sugar free jelly to avoid hunger

    How would increasing your fat work? If you increase your fat which is 9 clas per gram vs 4 for carb or protein, you would actually be consuming less food, making you more hungry and the quantity of food would decrease leaving your stomach empty. the clioandboy above had better ways to curb hunger.

    Fat slows down down the digestion of food making you feel full for longer. Dropping carbs helps prevent the body from have insulin spikes, this is what makes us crave sugar and feel hungry. Once carbs are lost the body goes into ketosis and starts to look for alternative fuel supplies. The body starts to use fat as its primary fuel source rather than carbs, ergo you body starts to burn fat from your diet and your body. Look at ketogenic diets, UD2, lyle mcdonald etc
  • lungti
    lungti Posts: 9
    I really appreciate the tips guys! I think where I went wrong was I wasn't eating "exercise calories". I say I was under 1200, but I was just right under within 100 cals. I noticed that after exercise My ticker gave me more cals, but I guess I didnt piece together that I could consume some of At least I know I have the will power to say no. I'll definitely try some of your healthy snack suggestions and add a few hundred more cals in. I have been eating probably 5 to 6 small meals a day, but I guess my body just wants more! I just want to be sure I'm able to differentiate between hungry and something sounds good, so I think I'm hungry.
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