Can't stick to it for more than a few days without binging!

I'm trying to lose some vanity pounds - after a big break up last year I relapsed first with Anorexia and later bulimia. Initially I lost 35 pounds very fast then regained it with the bulimia.

I'm now generally eating well but I still have a binge every days, sometimes purging, sometimes not. I really want to about 10 pounds because when I gained weight, I gained it past my 'comfort' zone. Will add my relapse wasn't about feeling fat at all, I never had body dismorphia and although I do want to lose a little weight, I would still be in a healthy bmi range. Before my relapse I had developed a healthy attitude ti food.

Now due to the eating disorder business, I don't count calories. It was counting calorie that led to it in the very beginning, and I will get obsessive about it. I know enough about food to know what to eat to lose weight healthily although I'm not obsessive over eating very healthily.

An average day of food would be;

Breakfast - bowl of fruit and fibre cereal (I don't weigh it but I know from my handfuls its approx a serving and a half because the
recommend serving isn't enough) with skim milk.
Occasionally I'll snack on some fruit or something from my graze box mid morning but I'm a very busy person so usually not.
Lunch is generally a sandwich on wholemeal bread - usually ham/cheese/lettuce/cucumber/tomato with full fat Mayo and pickle, plus a packet of baked crisps and some fruit

Those 2 meals rarely change, i don't think it's ED related but that's just how I've always eaten.

Dinner varies but is usually healthy, some kind of lean protein, wholegrain carbs and lots of veg.
Generally followed by a chocolate yoghurt though once or twice a week I let myself have a proper desert.

I have an active life - I have 2 horses that I ride and care for daily and also do some work horses for other people. I also do an aerial silks class and a pole dancing class weekly, and try to go rock climbing every couple of weeks.

However my binges are stopping any weight loss. Sometimes I can see why I feel the urge to binge and then I can deal with that feeling or emotion in a healthy way, but sometimes I just want to eat. And I'm fed up of it and fed up of not feeling comfortable in my own skin!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I suspect you aren't getting enough food in the run of a day...

    You didn't mention how many calories you are eating...but I suspect based on your list it is sub 1k calories a day and there is very little protien.

    It actually looks like you have probably relasped again and you need to get professional help.
  • 1munky
    1munky Posts: 1
    I would also agree with the first response. I don't think you are getting enough calories. Also, as you probably know from past help you have received with regard to your ED, these tend to be about being in control or perceived loss of control. Sticking with the same foods day in and day out is a way that you attempt to control (quite rigidly) an aspect of your life. Each binge is a loss of that idea of control, leading you back into the cycle of having to so tightly manage and repeat your strict routine over and over. I do think that having some counseling or a support group is more what you need at this time.
  • runmypretties
    runmypretties Posts: 13 Member
    I can't totally sympathise as I have never had an ED in that sense but I do feel the urge to binge MASSIVELY!! it's not that i'm not eating enough but I really love food and I love eating so I can only control my urge for so long, but when I fall off the wagon thats it, I can't get back on again. I have lost and gained approx 1.5st several times in the last few years becuase of this and it's driving me crazy! If someone finds my willpower somewhere, can they show it the way home??!...
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    I agree that maybe you're not getting enough of a particular nutrient that your body is craving. I need protein in every meal or else I am very hungry within a few hours afterwards. So maybe you're the same way. For example, I need to have an egg in the morning (I generally fry one and put it on a piece of toast or half a bagel and then I'll have some fruit with that and I'm generally good until lunch time).

    But to be honest, my main concern is for your mental health. As I'm sure you're aware, any type of eating disorder should never be taken lightly. You've suffered from two different forms already and I don't mean this to come off as an insult but you're clearly very susceptible to the traps of eating disorders. While MyFitnessPal can be a good tool for a lot of people, I'm worried that in your particular case, being highly aware of the kinds of food that you're eating, without professional help in terms of a counselor or a psychologist, may cause more damage to you.

    Even in myself I have to force myself not to exercise on certain days of the week and I have to force myself that yes, it's okay that I'm eating some chips this Saturday, it won't make me gain weight, because I have a tendency to obsess over my body image. Eating disorders are like a disease of the mind and extra care must be taken when people have suffered from them.

    The main thing is always to be healthy.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Obvious question is, what is your calorie goal? Set MFP to lose 1 pound per week, not more. Eat more for fuel when you work out. Get a good balanced diet including Protein/Carbs & Fat (limit "diet" or "low fat" foods).

    If you cannot meet those goals above, then get more professional help.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I suspect you aren't getting enough food in the run of a day...

    You didn't mention how many calories you are eating...but I suspect based on your list it is sub 1k calories a day and there is very little protien.

    It actually looks like you have probably relapsed again and you need to get professional help.


    Also, looking at your post history you brought this same issue up 2 months ago. I would highly suggest at this point that you seek professional help for your ED.