Not normal....Really??

All my life I have battled the stigma that "tall" women are not normal. When I young it was hard to find jeans that were long enough or shirts that fit properly but now it seems that clothing stores have overcome this problem, which I am insanely happy about! The problem currently is that I meet people who tell me that there is no way that I could wear a size 10 at 200 lbs (which I have done before.) HELLO! I am 6' tall and can and do weigh more than the average 5'7" woman. I just wish that women I meet wouldn't call me weird just because I am different. Last time I checked there have been tall women throughout history. We, the tall women of the world, are not weird or abnomal we are just who God made us to be and I, for one, feel very blessed to be who I am, fat or not! Is there anyone out there that can relate to the feeling of being "abnormal", whether you are tall or not?


  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    What I would give to be that tall! Its called statuesque, not abnormal :wink:

    All my girlfriends think I'm weird because I have small boobs and have NO interest in getting big fake ones. They got pretty big (for me) when I gained all my weight and now they are gone again. I stated how grateful I was that they were gone and they all look at me like I'm nuts. We are all going to Mexico in a month and I'll be 1 of 2 girls out of 6 that don't have implants. What is the obssession with big boobs?? I have no problem with them and I think they look great on my friends, but I'm just not interested.
  • LinnPitt
    nothing wrong with being tall. I am the exact opposite. I am only 5'3" rather short these days.
    when you get to feeling like being tall is abnormal take a look at the models on the cover of
    most magazines. I am willing to bet money that almost every one of them is close to if not
    six feet tall.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I know what you mean. I am a "abnormal" too at 4'11". Even the "short" sizes are too tall for me. Ehh, we can't help it. It has never bothered me. But, being heavy makes me look like a "ball" lol. Not for long!!!
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    So my logic has never been "normal" but honestly I have come to embrace being weird :happy: Think about most "normal" people- they hate there jobs, they get fake boobs (great job for loving yourself sillygoose:), they do drugs of some sort, are depressed, always drinking, never happy with the way they look, not nice & never happy with anything. So if I am not like this- YAY!!
    I too am 5'3". I am also very overweight- but I relize I am valuable and can have a great time in life being me :bigsmile:
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    I'm 6ft tall too ^_^

    I was at the doctors today for a progress check and she put it very well as she struggled to rech the height measuring thingamyjig above my head; "Oh yes you are rather tall aren't you, so you're never going to weight 8 stone (112 lb's) which is good, less for you to loose!"

    I've always had problems finding trousers that are long enough. Maxi dress? More like a half way down the calves dress!

    I also look odd standing next to my husband who is only 5ft 10" and then only when he's stood up tall - he slouches an awful lot but this is partially down to the fact that he has a bone defect in his knees.

    I've never felt bad about my height, annoyed yes, and women often tell me they wish they were my height. I like being this tall. The only time I've ever felt bad about my height was at an old job as a sales person at a mobile phone shop (so as you can probably imagine, a lot of big ego's and **** waving anyway) when my boss came to me and told me as it was pay day next week I should go buy clothes that weren't 2 sizes too small for me because my blouse was apparently clearly much too tight and showing off my belly when I stretched up to get something off a shelf (not a pretty picture when you're as big as I!)

    It was rather funny. He was only 5ft 7 and one of these small men who have "napoleon syndrom". I looked down at him and pulled out my blouse at the front, demonstrating that it was not, in fact too tight, that it was indeed bigger than what it should be in order to try and compensate for the shortness in length, and told him I would gladly get a longer shirt if he would like to give me a pay rise to cover the costs of tailoring.

    He wasn't happy :D but as much as I bluster about it, it really hurt. He was the kind of man who wouldn't have minded one little bit had it been showing a slim, well toned mid riff. But at the end of the day...what am I to do? I'm long in the torso and trousers at the time were all cut low as was the fashion. As a 300+ lb tall woman forever trying to hide the embarrasment of showing off belly flab, you have no idea how much I love the current fashion of high waisted pants!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    This is a generic problem in our society. We don't teach people to APPRECIATE differences; rather we teach how to recognize and isolate differences. Not necessarily intending to be negative or mean - but what isn't gotten is that when we habitually point out that someone is "different", we are no longer valuing them as a unique individual. Instead, we're excluding them (us) from the rest of the social structure.

    (I'm 5'1", btw and I pretty much come up to people's waist. MommaToSamm, I know what I get for being as short as I am - I shudder to think of some of the unspoken reactions that can come from people that don't already know you).

    I am really bad about making assumptions but I know it's a totally destructive behavior. I'm not sure alot of people realize that - and for you sgtlordswife, what people associate with 200 pounds and sizes doesn't fit what they assume to be true. I'm sure it can be frustrating but if the person is worth it, educate them - and let it go. :-) It doesn't do you any good to carry around their burden of misperception. Hopefully, that will help a *little* with the frustation your feeling over these kinds of comments. But do try to remember - a great many things like this are about what we assume to be true based on the knowledge we already have (which is often limited and we forget that) and our perceptions and we tend to also forget that there's more than one way to see things.

    And, that is precisely why there's so very tall tall people adn so very short short people - different perspectives. Literally. :-)
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
    What I would give to be that tall! Its called statuesque, not abnormal :wink:

    All my girlfriends think I'm weird because I have small boobs and have NO interest in getting big fake ones. They got pretty big (for me) when I gained all my weight and now they are gone again. I stated how grateful I was that they were gone and they all look at me like I'm nuts. We are all going to Mexico in a month and I'll be 1 of 2 girls out of 6 that don't have implants. What is the obssession with big boobs?? I have no problem with them and I think they look great on my friends, but I'm just not interested.

    I think it is great that you are standing your ground about the "big boobs" situation. I think I was born with a big bust, LOL. I started developing very early and now have D's, which don't bother me so much but when I was young, I felt very self conscious because I was the only girl in my 6th grade class who wasn't wearing a traing bra. I refused to take a shower after athletics because I didn't want any of the girls to see my boobs. I finally got over this when I was older but not everyone needs or should have them. If got meant for you have them, he would have given them to you. I don't have a problem with implants but they are just not for me. I have several friends who have them and regret it. Keep sticking to you guns and remember that you are beautiful no matter what!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    I'm 5ft 11 and have always been the tallest amongst my friends. I hated my height when I was younger, would never dance in clubs because I felt I stuck out like a sore thumb, my school uniform was always too small, and they only made horrid shoes in large sizes (I'm a uk size 8 shoe).

    Today I don't mind my height, and I'm often told I'm lucky. The worst reactions are from little old ladies who look me up and down and then don't say anything. I feel like saying 'yes?'
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I'm 5'7" which is actually tall for most women, Average is 5'4"... which I was in 5th grade. I got a lot of comments back then about my height. I don't have as much problem with people commenting on height, but clothes I understand. As a kid I wore lawman and rocky jeans (cowgirl jeans) because normal jeans were WAY to short. I buy my jeans too long now out of habit and strong disliking for my ankles showing in jeans, lol.

    Oh, the subject made me think of this.. I think its funny. My fathers mother (we are NOT close) used to tell me how drinking coffee was going to stunt my growth... lol. If that was true I should have been 6' +
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Forgot to mention I am "normal" at 5'6". How boring to be just like everyone else! I always wanted to be super tall or super short.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    To the OP: I agree with what everyone has said so far. There is no "normal", really.

    Muth...I never really thought of what people were thinking in regards to my shortness. Is shortness something that people secretly make fun of??? I guess I never realized that because I don't FEEL short. I feel "normal". My husband is a 6' bean pole lol. I can just imagine how we look while walking hand-in-hand ha ha ha
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    To the OP: I agree with what everyone has said so far. There is no "normal", really.

    Muth...I never really thought of what people were thinking in regards to my shortness. Is shortness something that people secretly make fun of??? I guess I never realized that because I don't FEEL short. I feel "normal". My husband is a 6' bean pole lol. I can just imagine how we look while walking hand-in-hand ha ha ha

    omg.. you're really lucky then! I've gotten to the point where I make the jokes before anyone else can. It IS kind of funny, to be honest.. i mean really - it's no worse than the blonde jokes or the lawyer jokes or the 3 men in a bar jokes...... I don't think it's meant to be viscious, like I said before; people do like to tease when someone is "different" though; and it can all be in good natured fun but there's still something a little socially off about that, in my mind. You know?
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    What I would give to be that tall! Its called statuesque, not abnormal :wink:

    All my girlfriends think I'm weird because I have small boobs and have NO interest in getting big fake ones. They got pretty big (for me) when I gained all my weight and now they are gone again. I stated how grateful I was that they were gone and they all look at me like I'm nuts. We are all going to Mexico in a month and I'll be 1 of 2 girls out of 6 that don't have implants. What is the obssession with big boobs?? I have no problem with them and I think they look great on my friends, but I'm just not interested.

    I am also a 'normal' 5'6'' with an A cup and no interest in getting implants! I know, its not the norm but Im a sporty-athletic-boyish girl anyways and it just wouldn't fit with me. It seems like other people have more of a problem with me not wanting big boobs than myself.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    It’s not "not-normal" but rather above average and bigger is better after all on almost everything in life right? Houses, diamonds etc. ;)

    Just remember nearly EVERYONE especially women wants the opposite of what they have at least once in their lifetime. Whether that be for a big or small chest, curly or straight hair, tall or short height so many people are unhappy with their lot in life and there has yet to be a global consensus that tall flatter chested women with brown straight hair are superior (no, there is no bias in my comment there lol ;)

    Stand up tall and be proud because in the end you really do have the benefit of being able to eat what you want because 10lb gain wont show on your frame, short people do not have that benefit. Plus they can’t reach things on tall shelves or see anything from the mosh pit of a concert. Seeing Fall Out Boy live was great because it was about 70% women there and average women being 5’3 or so, I stood where I wanted to enjoyed the show and got a chuckle out of the fact people behind me couldn’t see as much – yea I’m an undercover meanie ;)

    Tall and proud 5’8 here with a matching sized hubby – you go girl!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    It’s not "not-normal" but rather above average and bigger is better after all on almost everything in life right? Houses, diamonds etc. ;)

    Just remember nearly EVERYONE especially women wants the opposite of what they have at least once in their lifetime. Whether that be for a big or small chest, curly or straight hair, tall or short height so many people are unhappy with their lot in life and there has yet to be a global consensus that tall flatter chested women with brown straight hair are superior (no, there is no bias in my comment there lol ;)

    Stand up tall and be proud because in the end you really do have the benefit of being able to eat what you want because 10lb gain wont show on your frame, short people do not have that benefit. Plus they can’t reach things on tall shelves or see anything from the mosh pit of a concert. Seeing Fall Out Boy live was great because it was about 70% women there and average women being 5’3 or so, I stood where I wanted to enjoyed the show and got a chuckle out of the fact people behind me couldn’t see as much – yea I’m an undercover meanie ;)

    Tall and proud 5’8 here with a matching sized hubby – you go girl!

    I love almost everything you said (except for the flat chested/straight hair part... ). Most of the people who comment do so out of insecurity. I refuse to feel guilty/abnormal/insecure about my height, without it I wouldn't have legs as long as muth3rluvx2 is tall! :laugh:
    At 5'10 I'm a few inches taller than my bf & he tells everybody I reach things, he carries things, it works for us. Again, not something I'm going to feel badly about! The only person who really ever comments about my height is a woman at work & it's always "Why are you wearing heels? Don't you think you're tall enough already?" Oh how many times do I wish I had replied "I like looking down on you."

    Everybody has an opinion about everybody else's body, good thing mine is the only one that matters!! :love:
  • Maggie1960
    Another tall girl here, 5ft 10 - I used to hate my height and prayed to wake up being petite when I was a teenager. I used to hate going out and being asked to dance by a guy who I knew, as soon as I stood up, would reach my armpit!

    But now I embrace it. I am statuesque, people notice me, I can look authoritative even when I'm not, and clothes WILL look stunning on me when I reach my goal.

    My 16 year old daughter is 5ft 11 and so much taller than her friends and I am determined she will see her height as a blessing not a curse.

    In the UK we have Long Tall Sally for clothes, 36 inch leg length is the shortest they do, it's wonderful. And lovely they have long coats that go all the way down. I'm determined to treat myself to a pair of Long Tall Sally skinny jeans when I get to target - in 29lbs time.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I think if you're human and breathing, you are normal :bigsmile:

    Take no notice of people that judge otherwise. They, no doubt, have issues with themselves that they need to comment on others.

    Be happy with who you are :bigsmile:

    Good luck :flowerforyou: