Excited about the future!

For the first time in ages I'm not beating myself up about the fact that I'm not where I want to be 'right now' - I'm actually really excited about the future and looking forward to meeting all the little goals I've set for myself. I had a look around the shops at lunch time and saw lovely clothes that I might not buy yet, but I'm looking forward to getting in the future - and looking good in them! My holiday is booked for the end of October, I can make a huge difference in that time - will be great to go away without worrying about covering up.

I've also ordered my polar watch :) It's going to get here on Saturday. I'm actually excited about using it and think it'll not only motivate me but push me harder!

Loving this forum and how people support each other!


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Way to go on your success already! It looks like you are doing a great job! If you are interested in an accountability partner, let me know. I have lost 65 pounds so far, and am fitting into the same size clothes I wore in college. I am so excited to continue and reach my goals. - Kim
  • MelissaA007
    MelissaA007 Posts: 22 Member
    I am also excited about the future. I lost 2 lbs this week, my first week. I was not hungry at all. My choices were something I felt proud of. No guilt at the end of the day. I am wearing a pedometer, and conscious of 10,000 steps. If I am looking low by 11, I make myself jiggle or move more. I realize how little I can move some days. It's exciting to look down at the number and see I am at 10,000 steps by 5:00. I recommend you get one. It's my personal accountability.

    One thing I realized this morning at my weight in, was it took me a week of eating right to loose 2 pounds, and I could easily put that back on in one day from eating wrong! I

    I wish you all the best and can't wait to we all reach our goals!