baffled--high bad cholesterol

I recently received my blood work back from the doctor. All normal, except my LDL (bad) cholesterol. She advised me to watch my saturated fat intake. I am baffled. I am in my mid-thirties. My bmi is under 17. I do not/have not smoked. My blood pressure is and always has been very low. I eat primarily vegetables, some fruits, fish, bran cereal, almond milk, egg whites, organic canned soups, protein supplement. I use salad dressing very sparingly. I do not eat butter or red meat. I am thinking to myself "how do I cut something out of my diet that i get very little of to begin with?" Honestly, other than some dairy (and I mean very litte)--I don't know where the saturated fat is coming from. I just checked my tuna fish packet I plan on eating for lunch and there is zero sat fat in there--as is true with my can of soup.