Cinema v Snacking


When I go to the cinema, I am and have always been one of those people that likes to snack during the film. It doesn't matter what it is I just want to have something in my hands. Lool

So usually I either buy a bag of sweets or popcorn. But although today I fancy buying a big bag of sweets I want to snack on something different, something healthy. Hmmm i'm thinking grapes...What do you think? What do you all like to snack on at the movies ?


  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    I bring my own popcorn! lol I buy the 100 calorie packs of the microwave kettle corn, sweet and salty! yum! and it's amazing how much you get to eat for just 100 calories. Popcorn is never a horrible option, it's the added butter that gets you!

    When I went to see Captain America I had this, a bottle of water, and a fruit salad including cantaloupe, honey dew, and grapes! It was yummy!!!
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    Can you chew some gum? I don't go to the movies, but I watch them at home. I like to keep my hands busy too. This is what I do: knit, crochet, give myself a hand or foot massage, do some hand exercises.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I hate popcorn, and I'm a chocolate snob (no Hershey's for me!) so I'm rarely tempted at the theater. It was only when they started serving things like hot dogs and nachos that I had to look away. I usually sneak in some diet soda because American theaters charge truly outrageous prices for everything.