Super confused

Ok I am super duper confused: The myfitnesspal site has me consuming 1230 calories a day. I am feeling fine on that amount but I keep getting comments on how I am eating too little, or not consuming enough calories. I am way way overweight. I have a 100 pounds to lose and I have a relatively inactive lifestyle. My only current exercise is walking and a bit of stationary bike as I have a heart condition and have to work up to more strenous activity. I am also under the direct care of several doctors. My weight is coming off slowly and steadily in the 32 days I have been tracking. Why am I getting such mixed feedback. I am never under 1000 calories, but if I eat 1170 which is only 60 calories under people message me that I am starving myself.... Advise please


  • mbsc22
    mbsc22 Posts: 8 Member
    Ask your doctor. Especially being under care for a heart condition. They will tell you the amount of calorie diet you should be on.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I think the biggest thing you're confused about is why you're listening to the people you're listening to.

    What i'm getting is:

    -you have a lot of weight to lose
    -you're inactive.
    -you feel fine eating the amount you're eating.
    -you're losing steadily, not fast.
    -you're under a doctor's care.

    Maybe there's more information that other people are using to inform their comments about your eating. I don't know. Based on what you're saying, it seems like that amount of calories for someone who is fairly inactive and has a lot of weight lose isn't out of line, provided you're getting enough nutrients from what you are eating.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I would worry more about activity level. Walk, walk, walk. Get that calories burned number up higher and manage your net calories. I'm surprised that MFP has you at 1230 if you are 100 pounds overweight--are you really short? Regardless, with that much to lose your MFP calculator ought to put you at a good calorie level if you filled everything in properly on your profile. My advice is to change your lifestyle to active in a nice, smooth, incremental way.
  • Swimnessa
    Swimnessa Posts: 44
    I am only 5 feet tall, so yes VERY short. I am actually more active then my profile states, but my dr suggested when calculating net calories I use the inactive lifestyle as I have a metabolic issue on top of heart issue. I am a teacher and on my feet all day long and then I walk the dog everyday, chase 2 kids and am always on the go. I guess my point was people had me super scared that I was starving myself. I need to listen to my body and my dr and not people on the internet.