Sore muscles, so what should I do?

Hi everyone!

Two days ago I started working out with an instructor. He is not a personal trainer but he gives me extra attention while I am at the gym. So we did abs and legs and yesterday I was sore, so I skipped the gym thinking that today it would be a lot better. But oh man, that could not be more wrong. I could barely get out of bed this morning as it is far worse than yesterday!

I want to go to the gym today and still do something! I checked some websites out for advice and they all say the same thing: DO CARDIO.

I wish that I could tell them how that doesn't help answer my question.

What kind of cardio? For how long? How intense?

So, help me out here, how do you do it?

edit: I am 227 pounds, beginner at exercising and 24.


  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Just go do any kind of exercise - walking, jogging, elliptical, bike. Anything to get you muscles moving and heart rate up. do at least 30 minutes but go for as long as you can! It really will help loosen up those overused muscles. Good luck!

    ETA - remember to do a warm up/cool down of at least 5 minutes and a nice stretch when your done will feel good too
  • JMoore221979
    Your body will get used to it after awhile. Maybe 2 weeks or so, it will slowly get less and less after each workout until it is gone. Then you may get it after a killer workout here and there. Nothing you can do about it too much, ice and/or heat. I prefer heat like a hot bath if it is bad and you can try to add epsom salt to the bath as that is supposed to help. Basically you are creating tiny tears when lifting and the body is just repairing. Stay hydrated as well.
  • lookin4gains
    lookin4gains Posts: 1,761 Member
    I've found that those foam rollers at the gym really help. You can pick them up at Walmart for cheap too. Just roll your worked out body part on it after a workout to break up that lactic acid built up. You won't be nearly as sore. Keep in mind if you just started working out that soreness is going to be pretty substantial for the first week or so. Just stick with it and don't give up!! :)
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    Congratulations for taking the steps to get fit! :happy: All the advise is great. For me, when I am sore (much like today :sad: I stretch, A LOT! Yoga, Pilates, PiYo, all great to really stretch your muscles out. Water, Water, Water did I mention water. :bigsmile: That should help you. The more you work out the "less" sore you will feel. I went from thinking I can't do it because my bad knees, my bad back but I started and little by little I get stronger. I really got serious and went hard in Dec 2013 and since then my knees are almost completely pain free and my back pain is NO MORE! It's possible. You hang in there and good luck to you on this journey!
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    DEFINITELY go and exercise again today! Every single time I've started a new exercise to do routinely, I've had agonizing soreness, and the second day is always the worst. But the only thing to do is go to the gym and work out again. You don't have to do quite as high intensity as you did the first day if it's really bad, do what you feel you CAN do for at least 30 mins. Tomorrow, your muscles will not be as sore. Also, eat bananas, drink lots of water, and invest in a high density foam roller to deep massage your sore muscles. It hurts when you do it but afterwards you will feel SO much better. Good luck! :)