Maid of Honor... Twice.

Hello Everyone!

I started out with MyFitness pal back in 2011-2012 and had major success: 40lbs lost total. Two years later and that weight has creeped and clung back.

Over the next year or so I am going to be the Maid of Honor in not one, but TWO weddings. Looking for MAJOR support in MFP community on the road to a healthier lifestyle and of course, looking my best in wedding photos, haha. Friend requests welcome from active users who are positive and motivating.

Thanks everyone!


  • Cardio_Cutie
    ohhhh you can do it !!!!1 :DDDD This is also my second time coming back to MFP and Im hoping this will be my last and final time I struggle through weight gaining. Add me if you want C:
  • DiveBarDanceHall
    DiveBarDanceHall Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the support, C.C.! Definitley shot you a friend req :)