Wii Fit Queston

Hello -

Just getting my feet wet here at MFP and really loving it. I've been counting cals and eating healthier foods all week and today jumped on board w/some excercise while I was weighing myself on the Wii Fitl. I did about 20 mins of the strength training ( a variety of the excercises). This was a very easy w/o as I am in pretty poor shape.

I wasn't able to find wii fit in the excercise database, so have no idea how to estimate my calories burned. I know it wasn't a lot - but want to add it to my chart ... seeing it in black and white will make me smile!


Forgot to add that I weigh 146lbs.


  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    On Wii Fit you can click on the little bank it will tell you how many total calories that you burned. I enter that into the cardio section on here. Wii Fit Plus is in the database. Then just change the calorie count to what the bank says.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Strength training doesn't usually go on the "calories burned" section because that only accounts for cardio, but Wii cardio exercises (step, hula, running) are on the list. Add it to your strength training for the day and, if the exercise isn't listed, you can add it manually. You can also Google calories burned during specific exercises based on your weight.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    it sounds like you only have wii fit and not wii fit plus so it doesn't tell you, right? You could go to the cardio section and pull up strength training and use that.
  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    That's only for Wii Fit plus, the original wii fit doesn't tell you the amount of cals.

    Best to wear a heart rate monitor, or find the closest activity from the database to what you have done :) e.g for free jogging I would use "running in place"
    On Wii Fit you can click on the little bank it will tell you how many total calories that you burned. I enter that into the cardio section on here. Wii Fit Plus is in the database. Then just change the calorie count to what the bank says.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    I agree that you can use the calorie estimate provided by Wii Fit, but this is still pretty much guesswork. Better than nothing I suppose. I have a heart rate monitor and tried using the Wii Fit for the first time recently and I want to say I was burning maybe 5 calories a minute on average. A good cardio workout at the gym gets me at least twice that.