I need help to lose 39KG ( 85lbs )

I am 25 year-old girl ( or should start to say woman? hmm ) . i weigh 118kg ( 260lb ) and i'm 170cm ( 5'7' ) and i need all the support , motivation and help i can have here . and i hope i can give the same .

This is not my first "try" to lose weight , and i am tired of starting over , i am tired of giving up , and every time i get motivated to change my eating habits i feel the weight of all the previous failures .


  • I have already lost right at 20 pounds in 8 weeks..I still have about 80-90 more to go..good luck with your journey!
  • dpants89
    dpants89 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm 24, have 40kg to loose and am 172cm lol so I get where you are coming from!! I have also tried and failed in the past! This time will be different! -Bianca
  • lane112409
    lane112409 Posts: 28 Member
    I just started the lifestyle change on April 2, 2014 I weighted 239.2 and on March 26, 2014 I weighted 244. So I have lost 15 lbs since March 26 and 10 lbs since April 2, 2014. The way I have been changing is that I can have what ever I want to eat as long as it is in my calorie range for the day. I am not saying that I eat a lot of surgery foods. I do have some sweets from time to time. The way I see this lifestyle change is not about cutting or eliminating foods that I like it is about eating them in moderation. I know we can do this. THE MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE I can give anyone it to TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME. I also do 30-45 minutes of cardio a day weather it is riding my stationary bike, dancing, walking etc.. So if you need me I will be here for yo add me as a friend so we can achieve our goals together. I have been on every diet you can imagine the only weigh is lifestyle change!!! By the way I am 27 soon to be 28 on April the 22nd and I am 5'6.
  • It's all about keeping them calories in check. Charting my food and exercise was a huge step in the right direction for me. All of the support on here is nice. Make sure you use the tools you've got here and you should do just fine. :D It also helped me to set direct goals for myself like I'm going to do 30 day shred five times a week until I finish it, and I'm going to aim for eating 3 veggies and 3 fruits a day. Clear goals like that seem to make things better.

    When I first started my only goal was to chart my food honestly, and to assess it and look at where I had weaknesses that I would need to work on and find solutions. I went from there. I add maybe 2 or 3 at a time so it's not overwhelming. You can do it!
  • mojpal
    mojpal Posts: 44 Member
    Hey, you can do this! I started in December at 119 kg and I lost 15 kg so far just trying to stay under my calorie goal and doing some sort of exercise almost daily. Mine is a slow loss, but you must know I never missed a party in these four months. You just need to be in control and plan those special occasions. Believe me, it's doable! Sending you a FR :) Btw we have the same goal 79 kg lol
  • caljunction
    caljunction Posts: 16 Member
    That's my goal too. I've started so many times. This is the most success I've had in a while and I find it keeps coming down to support support support! I'm getting that from these boards and another group I joined on facebook. Best of luck to you. And remember we all have bad days. Pick yourself up and don't give up!
  • Starting over is ok!! It doesn't hurt to try again. Just make sure this time will be different! Don't cut everything out of your diet! Portion control- don't deprive yourself either! That's the worst thing! I used to do that all the time. And ended up gaining weight because when I DID enjoy a "cheat meal" I cheated too much and thought it was OK. We are all here to support you! Tracking calories deffinately helps because you don't want to go over!!
  • BobzStuff
    BobzStuff Posts: 121 Member
    Hey, I'm right there with you. I started at 272. I'm at 244 now but was all the way down to 206 before I lost my mind and binged it all back. I'm not doing a specific diet this time I'm just avoid carbs past 4p.m. and spending a lot of time writing about why I binge. I'm working from the inside out and so far so good.

    Add me if anyone wants to be buddies. We can do this!
  • Don't worry - most of us know that feeling. The more failures we have, the harder it is to get started. You are not alone.

    The most important thing to do is find a diet that suits you. Don't go committing to diets which you realistically cannot stick to. If you love chocolate, find a diet that has an inbuilt cheat day each week, or even allows some pecking at chocolate each day. It is a thousand times harder to succeed when the foods you like are being cut off.

    See through those first two or three weeks on your new diet and you'll hit a groove. Once you hit that groove you'll start feeling lighter on your feet, smaller in your clothes, and happier in your day to day life. And once you're in that place, you'll find the time flies and the weight seems to come off at rapid speed.

    You can do it! Just make a lifestyle change that you believe you can stick to. :)