The chocolate chip cookie monster....

Lord you know how much I love my boyfriend, but last night the devil was working him hard. So, today is day two of the Jillian Michael Body Revolution, and day two of the Meal Plan 7 Day KickStart your metabolism. Well, yesterday I had officially committed myself to following the 7 day meal plan without any excuses or sneaky eating.... Yesterday was going great until I came home to my Chocolate chip cookie monster of a boyfriend. I walked into our house which was filled with a chocolaty aroma of goodness.... and on the stove sat a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies, freshly baked by the cookie monster devil himself. lol I prepared my steak and spinach salad as the meal plan indicates all while fighting a deep urge to stuff every single cookie down my throat.... They sat there calling my name, violating my nostrils with its rick chocolaty goodness... I had to smack my hand several times just to fight it. I've never had such an urge, it was knowing I couldn't have them that made me want them more...


As I let my steak rest and prepared my salad a pestering thought came to mind....
"Just taste the chocolate chip, that can't be more then a calorie... ok what about a crumb... at least you could put this urge to rest.."

I picked up my steak, placed it on my plate next to my salad and rushed out the kitchen to avoid a diet failure.... As I sat and ate my steak the urge for the cookies grew stronger. I pictured those warm chocolate chip cookies cooling off in a bath of milk. I shook the thought from my mind and continue to eat the steak in front of me... When I finished eating I had to say a quick payer in my head so I wouldn't crack under pressure when it was time to go back to the kitchen and put my dish in the sink. As I walked to my kitchen the urge was burning in my stomach, so I looked those chocolate chip cookies in there chocolate chipped oozed felled eyes and said NO!!! I will not eat you! I will not restart this diet! You are not going to step me back a couple hundred calories and stormed out the kitchen with a silent pride.

I went over this situation for a while before (the urge to get up and just eat a crumb drained me) and I fell to sleep. When I woke up this morning I felt proud, I felt like I had just lost a pound. lol The cookies were on the stove the whole time I prepare breakfast and they knew their whispers and taunts would not faze me now. The chocolate chip cookie monster did not win the battle over my diet this time.

Lol just had to share this moment with you guys, I hope this made you laugh a little.


  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Good for you! That is's hard to resist though, keep it up!