What are some things that you try to limit eating?

Just want some insight from others!

Personally, I'm trying to limit sugar and sodium while increasing protein, iron, calcium, and potassium (exercise a lot and don't eat a lot of meat).


  • Popcorn, nuts, corn chips, and butter.

    All high in calories, and all but the butter are difficult to keep track of servings -- too easy to overdo.

    Everything else is about balance. I try to have a lot of variety so that I get a wide range of nutrients.

    Else I try to eat organic, avoid GMOs, and avoid process foods.
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    Chips, fries, and anything sweet!
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Pasta. It was the one thing I used to REALLY binge on. I don't buy it anymore and I'll only have it in VERY small portions if I even have it at all. I find I don't even crave it anymore, really.

    Otherwise, I don't really limit myself. If I can work something into my calories for the day, I do.
  • ponchjj
    ponchjj Posts: 1 Member
    Chips, Sweet Tea, sandwich meat. I'm a sandwich junkie and I love some salsa and chips. But I didn't realize just how much sodium I was digesting daily until I consistently tracked my meals on here. I'm drinking a lot more water now and I occasionally have a sweet tea. I stopped sodas years ago so that craving is no longer there.