Out of shape drummer looking to ROCK again!!

Hi everyone!

My name is Mike and I've been on the site for a little bit now, but never wrote in the forums or anything! Just wanted to say hello and would like to invite all of you to add me as a friend if you'd like!!

My story:

Stepfather of a 6-year old little boy, future husband to MaryTheIceCube (on MFP).. I am a small business owner by day (electronics and computers), and musician by night. I was always the skin and bones kid, ate anything I wanted, did whatever I wanted, never thought I would be overweight.. sure this story is familiar around here.. So, about a year ago, I lost my job working for a corporate dish installation company and it crushed me! We struggled with money, the house we were in at the time was falling apart (literally!), it had black mold, our heater died, it flooded,... the worst of the worst happened.. we didn't let it get us down, but at the time, we thought our only resort was to cut back on good foods and eat "cheap".. which meant a lot of bad food..

Months passed on, work was tough to find and so I started up a service consulting business, to try and make ends meet on our side.. very long story short, we got outta that house, bought a beautiful new house together and when it was all said and done.. We were safe, sound.. and unfortunately.. very overweight..

Most of my life, I've weighed 165-175lbs, and I found myself around 235lbs, and climbing everyday... my soda and junk intake was huge.. Had to do something about it.. Chandra found MFP, I seen how well she was doing, so I've hopped aboard.. Now, I love to cook, LOVE it.. and during all of this, I was also brushing up on my culinary skills, and now we eat fantastic foods, without hurting our budget and staying VERY healthy!! I do run a blog with recipes and such, but do not know if it's okay to post it here, so I'll hold off...

I'd love to meet all of you, and share stories!! (SORRY ABOUT MY NOVEL HERE!! lol)

Michael - The Great Kazoo! - \,,/ rock on people


  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    You'll do it! If I can, anyone can - although I've hit a plataeu but that's another story!

    Keep rockin'!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    for sure, sharing recipes on here is awesome...i for one suck at cooking, but i'd like to hear what you have to say...add me as a friend, maybe i can learn something from you lol p.s. don't be offended when i say "hey ladies" because you'd be one of the very few dudes i have on my friends page, so sometimes i forget that it's co-ed lol
  • maprotano
    Any friend of Mary's is a friend of mine!! :happy: You are in the right place to lose those pounds! I would love it if you could post your receipe blog link, as I am always looking for something new (and healthy) to try.

    Tell Mary I said hello!

  • thegreatkazoo
    Thanks Ladies!! :) I appreciate all help and any suggestions to any of the cooking stuffs!! The blog is a tad outta date, but I think here is a good spot for the blog.. I have a ton of content to put on it, I'll have to make it a point to start back up! :) the address is whats4dinnerdad.blogspot.com !! Please add me there if you'd like!!

  • thegreatkazoo