"I am not going to work out today"

20carrots Posts: 279 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and was exhausted at work. I also felt nauseous all day and didn't end up eating my lunch. Go jogging after work? No way, I'm going home to curl up and take a nap, I deserve--no I NEED it!

That's what I told myself the last hour I was at work and the entire 40 min drive home. Then I got here, decided to just put on my workout clothes and see what happened. If I felt faint or nauseous I'd stop right away. Instead, I ended up doing my full 3 miles and setting some PRs along the way :drinker:

Now, I'm in my pjs by 8, and can go to bed whenever I want, with absolutely no guilt. But strangely enough, I feel better now than I did all day.

I need to remember that more often than not exercise will make me feel better!


  • katyncal
    katyncal Posts: 100 Member
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    That's great!!! :flowerforyou:
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Great job talking yourself into at least trying - and then rocking it! :bigsmile:
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    that's awesome! way to go!!!!!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    exercise is a GREAT stress reliever !!
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936

    This same attitude is what keeps me working out daily (unless life gets in the way or I really am deathly ill). If I don't 'feel' like it, I still get dressed, go to the gym, and see what happens. I can always take it easy or leave.

    I have yet to leave the gym and I ALWAYS surprise myself with how much I'm able to do (considering I didn't feel like doing anything other than going to bed when I left work).

    Our feelings are lying to us. Our bodies always tell us the truth.

  • I read in a magazine (can't remember which one) that sometimes it helps to have a 'mantra' and just keeping repeating it over and over it your head. One of the ones that I read from a personal trainer was "I'm one work-out away from a good mood" So I repeat that in my head over and over when I get home - go through the motions of putting on gym clothes and the next thing I know, I'm jogging!

    Also, don't forget to eat! Skipping lunch and snacks always makes my existing exhaustion 10x worse!
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Well done!! I was going to kick your bum if your post hadn't ended the way it did! xxx
  • that's fantastic, way to go! i too will have those days, and generally I have found also exercise usually helps..and if it doesn't like you said you can always stop. i talk myself into getting my workout clothes on and then usually by that point, i am ready and may as well exercise. :happy:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Good for you! I find that on those days that I don't want to go and I force myself, I work out harder and longer than the days I DO want to go! :drinker:
  • Hello all,
    Im having a hard time getting motivated. The "I am not going to work out today" is an everyday thing for me followed by a great excuse. can some one help me with my consistant case of procrastination???
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Great job! "Put on your big girl panties and just do it" is my motto!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Hello all,
    Im having a hard time getting motivated. The "I am not going to work out today" is an everyday thing for me followed by a great excuse. can some one help me with my consistant case of procrastination???

    Just gotta get up and go...no one else can do it for you. :flowerforyou:
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Hello all,
    Im having a hard time getting motivated. The "I am not going to work out today" is an everyday thing for me followed by a great excuse. can some one help me with my consistant case of procrastination???

    Only you can make yourself do it, but as a kick start I will tell you that yesterday morning I got up and worked out at 5.30am even though I was in hospital with a swollen face/legs the night before....now if I can do it....what's your excuse :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Since I've taken up jogging another thing that works is that even if I wanted to give up halfway through, I'm 2.5 miles from home and I have to get back somehow! So, short of hitch hiking, I'm going to get that exercise in :laugh:
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