Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 10/8 wk 41

kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support


  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    didn't make it to Curves due to Girl Scout Leader meeting. Did do a 40 min walk after the meeting.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Lost this week. That's 2 weeks in a row. When walking last night, I said to myself a 1/2 lb loss would be acceptable -- if I didn't lose at least that I would have been upset. However, a 2 1/2 lb loss would be great.

    Holy smokes I surprised myself at 2.6lb loss.

    The ticker says 3lb loss...that's from the MFP starting weight. When I factor in the weight gain from 3 weeks ago that put me at my heaviest weight, my weight loss is really 7lbs.

    So off to curves today then detailing the car for the big show tommorrow. Later cub scout meeting.

    Happy Friday to all!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Happy Friday Pepper's,
    Have to host a meeting but lost 2.5 pounds this week. :drinker: weight is 192.5 finally lost the weight from being bad plus 1/2 pound.

    Yay Barb. Great loss:drinker:

    Hope everyone else does just as good as Barb and myself. Check back later. :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Weight in at 257 so its a lost from last week. Would of been better if I hadn't over ate at lunch yesterday. Well I am now back to my original starting point so glad for that. Since back I lost a total of 5 lbs Hopefully I keep this up and next week my ticer will show a lost.
    Good Cindy and Barb!!!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Did curves Had them measure me.... haven't done that since June. All measurements are up 1/2 inch. I'm ok w/that since it's been since June & I had gained weight.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    up 2.4

    everyone have a good one
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Finish lunch. much better today. Headed to the doctor at 3, then to get keys made. Lost all my keys at Walmart last night.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Had a lunch date w/hubby..... yeah... chinese buffet... not so yeah.... however I did well - mostly chicken, no fried foods, fruit, of course ice cream (only small amount). That was approx 7+hours ago. I'm not hungry but I am eating yogurt/cereal to get me through the night.

    I didn't log lunch in .... so I'm not logging in my dinner of cereal & yogurt.

    Have a good night all.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    good morning pepper's,
    Well have not done well since friday. Have a bad tooth ache and cant see dentist until monday. But I managed to over eat. today I will be raking yard so getting some exercise in.

    Kelly hope you are doing ok. I know it has been stressful. miss you.

    Will check back later.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey ladies.....
    Yesterday, went to a car show/race & out to dinner. Dinner wise, I ate a big salad and took home 90% of my boneless ears & tails (chicken). I did have a dessert.
    Today, hubby took me and middle child out. I got a salad & had a kiddie ice cream.

    Did walk around the car show/race and today did walk around the flea market. We leisurely walk outside the market for about 3 hours. Unsure how long I was walking around on Saturday.

    Saturday the car did trophy. yeah. Today, hubby purchased two birds - another parakeet for me and a cocktiel for him. What I didn't realize is the cocktiel has a 20 year life expectancy. 20 years! My other two parakeets have adapted to the new parakeet well. Could be worse... he could have gotten a bigger bird w/a 30-50 year life expectancy or another dog.

    Sindy - feel better soon. I understand dental pain.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Sorry all. Been a bad week! Was in the ER at 4 am on thursday morning. Throat closed up due to the hives all over my body. they gave me tons of shots and what not made me tired and I went home. taking high doses of steriods so needless to say I am gaining weight like a whale!:( So not what i wanted. i hate being on these meds I have been on them in the past when i have had hives for months at a time and they make me feek depressed and hungry and sad and tired. I have decided that I am gonna kick my but and be happy although I have these thing plagueing on me.... computer is still down:( hubby is letting use his laptop. 3 weeks ago grandmas hubby died and last week my greatgrand mother died....dear god give me a little break here?
    Walked on the beach today and making dinner tonight daughter had a birthday party yesterday all the bad foods came to visit and found their ways into my mouth....BLAH anyhow this week is gonna be awesome and I am gonna rock it. Congrats to the loosers:) way to get it done! To us that didnt loose we arnt far behind!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey my friends!! i am so ready for a new week to start. i struggle so bad when dh is home on vacation. we were able to go on a road trip yesterday...about 45 minutes NE of LaCrosse, WI ( 4 hrs from home ) much prettier farther north. saw reds, yellows, oranges with green pines! nice contrast.

    good job to all the losers and well, to the rest of us....keep on keepin' on! i'm gonna try harder this week.

    Vita ~ girl, you need a break. sorry all that life is dealin' ya. i will keep you in my daily prayers...better days ahead! ((hugs))
    Jacque ~ you are doing so well with logging and exercising! ur a motivatin' ME!
    Cindy ~ do take care....hope your tooth ache gets better. we've been using our leaf blower for the leaves on the deck...still waiting for 95% to fall yet. it is so dry here, i have to rinse the windshield on my car, every day!
    Barb ~ i'm lovin' the hardware for that plum crazy! and the new critters at the! we have un-welcomed guests at our home now....mouse and/or mice in our garage and no-see-ums. :angry: ok, i'm ready for a hard frost/freeze to lower the insect population...

    hope you all had a good weekend.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    hi all... here's to a start of a good week.

    Miss V - sending good vibes your way.
    Sindy - hoping you find relief from your dental pain today.
    Jacque -- keep moving.
    Kelly - The colors seem pretty. Right now we're still in shades of green. Not for long....

    So my new parakeet has taken position as alpha bird. First, this one's bigger & the colors are quite bright compared to the 2 birds purchased at the local livestock aution. New bird, Blue, has taken position on the highest perch while the others the lower perch.

    Hubby decided since he's being medically released from work he doesn't care about his weight. UGH.... I asked him would he at least maintain. When he's ready to loss for him... he will. Before we meet he was over 300. Then he dropped to 185 (which was his weight early dating).
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    good morning all!!!
    Oh my what a weekend, it was non stop! I am soo tired I feel like I been hit by a car.
    Unfortantly it was a non stop eating fest to. Bab B Q on Saturday. Mexican and pizza on Sunday, boy am I going to have to work double hard this week.
    V-Girl! I hope you feel better soon! Will pray for a fast recovery!
    Cindy- tooth ache are terrible, will pray you feel better soon to.
    Kelly-Yuk I hate insect and nice,mouse varity-hope your quest leave soon
    Barb-I have a puppy if you want it she driving me crazy and your house sounds like the it place for animals!
    Keep up the good works ladies!!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Not doing bad so far today, getting ready to head to the gym Weight day yeah!!!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey guys I invited a few people to stop by and join our littlle group. So to anyone who wants to join, Welcome!!!!:glasses: Right now we are doing walking tickers. We are walking to each other find out where evryone is from and start walking to a friend house. I am walking from Texas to Iowa!!!!
  • Hi heard about your group. How does the walking work? I walk and work out on my wii fit.....I would love to join a group. I know how important support is. Thanks for the I need to do anything to join? Can I join?
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Welcome to all who wish to join.

    And jacque -- kindly request you do not bring your new puppy to my house. Between the fish bowls (2 are mine), the fish tanks (2 - both Dave's to care for), my parakeets, Dave's cocktiel and his dog -- there's enough non human in my house!

    Hubby, sweet man, brought home donuts. Sigh...
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Happy Monday, ooops, I mean Happy Tuesday.
    Was off yesterday so today feels like a Monday.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good Tueday everyone! well was over my calories by 93 so need to try a little harder today. Worked out at the Gym last night then walked the mall after dinner with the kids.

    Jasper411- Hi my name is Jacque and I live in Texas. We weight in Fridays. Look for a new thread Friday morning which will say Smokin hot green peppers 10/15 wk 42. Kelly will usually post it on Thursday. The walking challage is we are walking to the other members in the group. I am walking from Texas to iowa to see Kelly. When done I will then head to another member. You can do a ticker if you like or just record in your post and let evryone know how you are doing.

    Barb-the dog got chased by a large dog in our neighborhood last night and we still can not find her, I think someone picked her up.
    Kelly-hope you are doing good!
    Cindy- tooth pain any better
    Miss V- Hope the hives are getting better, praying
    Catch you all later
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