200+ (Week 51) "Hot for Halloween"



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - I cringe at the thought of airport delays. Ugh. Shudder. I'd be in the bar drinking. Good for you for walking.

    Sarah cute bike!

    Kendal - I am not much into that kind of mix... For that reason exactly. Bleh!

    Well ladies I finally made to the gym yeay! I feel like I am only hovering two feet from the ground instead of three. Life has been so hectic lately and when It gets like that I get all uncentered....to sound hippyish. Lol. So it was nice to go and work it out before I went home.
    Eating was dedent but not stellar. I did good until I shared a pumpkin cinnamon roll with my daughter. But hey at least I still created a deficit right?

    So I am in the midst of planning another trip to Michigan and Ontario in less than a month. One of the places we are going, Timmins Ontario - the average temp there in November is 37 degrees!!!! My boss told me I was lucky I don't have any balls, I think he is right lol. I've been eyeballing a new down vest for winter...mine is over six years old and not what it used to be, so now wouod be a good time to get it before I go I guess!! 37! I hope there is snow! Yeay!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Wooowwww...no one here...where'd everyone go?

    (chirp chirp tweet tweet)
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Sorry! Just a quick check in. Sorry I haven't been around. I've been on the go with the parents. Traverse City was gorgeous! We spent today walking around Ann Arbor. I'd planned on a 4 miler today, but as we've been on the go all day, I really needed to rest. I'm back to work tomorrow. My parents are staying through the half marathon on Sunday, so they'll be on their own during the day.

    Plan for working out is to do either a 4 miler tomorrow or hit the gym. Thursday will be a 2-miler... my last run before the half (eep!), with 2 days of rest before the race. My eating has not been great this week (no surprise), though today wasn't HORRID, and as I'll be back at work, that's 2 meals I'll definitely be good at.

    Sorry I don't have much time to chat. I hope all is well with everyone, and I'll be back to posting regularly this weekend!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I was out & about most of the day yesterday so I didn't really check in here. But I'm still keepin' on! The dog walk yesterday was the only exercise I got as I was in & out for various things until after the sun went down. My eating was on point, so I'm happy with it. I have been focusing more on watching the sodium intake (just about EVERYTHING has sodium in it!!!) and it's starting to show on the scale. My fingers are crossed for a 1 pound loss come Friday!

    Lacey: the movie quote was from Meet the Robinsons. And a pumpkin cinnamon roll sounds SOOOO good right now. I love fall!

    Kristina: Have fun with your parents!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning gals - I only have a few min. Another crazy work day. Hopefully I'll squeeze in some exercise tonight... I skipped the 2 mile run due to lack of time. I've finalized my plans for this weekend. We'll be leaving about 11 Sat, having lunch in Frankenmuth and getting to the expo at 4 or 5. Hopefully catching up with Kristina and her parents. DH has actually agreed to come but his plans may change. My mom is sooo excited she makes up for him. A patient gave me the article from the Detroit Free Press that talks all about the race and has a map - way cool... Sorry, I'm a bit obsessed about running the race this weekend!!! Catch you later...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I bought a pair of jeans last night and before I even got home I decided to take them back. I have 3 good pair of jeans right now and I'm hoping that the next pair I will need to buy will be smaller than an 18. So I will swing by the store and return them tonight on my way to feed my friends' dogs. My friends will be leaving on their 5 year anniversary trip today and won't get back till Sunday.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I think that's a smart move with the jeans. Unless you wear them all the time, you don't need that many, and it's better to save up for a smaller size later. Because you'll totally need one sooner than later!

    Victoria- getting excited about the race as well!! I think the parents being in town has helped with the nerves, as I haven't had a lot of time to think about it. I don't know yet what time we're getting into the city. Probably early afternoon maybe? Unsure-- as there is another football game in town that day, we'll have to coordinate around that. It helps that we'll be going in the opposite direction. I'll touch base with you when I know something more specific.

    Sucks being back at work today, but in some ways, it helps me establish a routine again. Definitely out of it! Last night it helped that we cooked dinner at home, so it wasn't too bad-- other than the piece of delicious berry crumble pie I had. *drools* Eating should be in check breakfast & lunch today, but I think we're going out tonight again. Always makes it hard. Though, I'm definitely getting exercise in today. Leaning towards running the 4ish miles.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Today is gonna be a good day. I knew it when I stepped on the scale this AM and it showed a pretty good loss! Then, DH and I decided that we could afford an early birthday/Christmas present for me - a new Macbook Pro. I've been messing with it all morning and I LOVE it. Yay! For good days! I also discovered that 2 pairs of jeans I couldn't get up over my booty are now fitting (one's a 16 and one's a 14 but they are different brands and fit about the same) - I was totally stoked to discover that!!

    Victoria & Kristina: Have a great time at your race!!! You both rock!

    Kendal: good idea on taking the jeans back. I have debated buying new clothes recently but have decided to put it off until I fit into smaller sizes. I'm actually putting money away so I can buy lots of new clothes once I get closer to goal.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning super pals!!! 3 more days until race day. I need to get out of bed and do 5 miles this morning. But, I'm feeling lazy. Sighs... Last night was too exciting - While trying to mow the grass, leaves kept building up around the mower and then they caught fire. I managed to get them away from the tractor and put the fire out but my heart rate was sky high!!! We went out for dinner and shared a hamburg - small town cooks are great... I wanted med-rare and DH wanted med-well. The waitress got the cook to make each half to our liking.

    Amy congrats on the jeans and the new mac. Enjoy both.

    Kendal - good idea to take the jeans back. If you have the urge to buy something - look at the goodwill or the salvation army.

    Kristina - see you soon.

    Lacey - how long will you be in Michigan and where will you be? If there's extra time, maybe we could meet up for dinner... I'm hoping for no snow in Nov (sorry)!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Amy- jealous of the new computer!!

    I'm exhausted this morning. The lack of sleep has caught up with me. Definitely need to sleep in a bit on Saturday, because I know I won't sleep well the night before the half.

    Last night, spent an hour on the bike, which helped. Felt good to be moving. Went to a brewery last night... yummy, but not very healthy. We're going out tonight again for dinner. Run planned for today. Just 2-3 miles, so it shouldn't be bad. Walked to work this morning to help a bit more with the calorie burn.

    Work shouldn't be terribly bad today, but I wish I didn't have to be here. Just tired, and would rather be spending time with the parents. Oh well.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    A new battery in my hrm chest strap has reenergized my workouts. I was getting kinda depressed when my hrm showed I was only burning 300 cals in an hour of zumba, even though I knew it was wrong. I found my old hrm watch (remember the strap had broken so I had to buy a new hrm?) so I used the battery in it to replace the battery in my chest strap. Burned 409 cals last night jogging. I listened to c25k (week 1) and it basically kept on point with the overall pace I was currently going without using c25k. The difference is without c25k, I would jog further but eventually crap out and the last lap or two end up only walking. With c25k, I would jog shorter distances but more often. I don't know if I'll be able to continue c25k over the winter. The park closes at dusk and I am already pushing it to get there by 6:30 (park closes at 7:30 for now). Plus I really don't like jogging on the treadmill.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check plus for me - 5 miles done this morning. Now it's time for work (*sighs*). I'm with you Kristina in not wanting to work today. At least I only have 4 clients (1/2 day) of work. I've loved being home this morning.

    Kendal - glad you're inspired again. Good luck on the C25K. Not sure what you should do over the winter.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Victoria - I will be flying into Kalamazoo I think...and then driving out to Bangor. Honestly I am trying to not go to Michigan because it adds on like 5 extra flights I don't want to make..but I would lOVe to meet up if we are close enough and there long enough for sure!
    I've got customers near Kingsford that I need to come see one day soon too..maybe in the spring.

    Amy - drooollll over the new macbook. JEff needs a new computer soon and I will probably get another mac. They are the best way to go IMO. I am loving my ipad!

    Kristina - I third not wanting to work today.

    Kendal - good girl..take those jeans back! Soon you will be able to wear smaller sizes.

    Last night work people went out and drank. I think I must have needed that time to unwind because I feel Way more relaxed today. Although my stomach doesn't, lol.

    TOnight I go to the gym again. I havent' been since Monday. I am trying..sheesh it is hard. However I can go Saturday when I come back into town and on Sunday too..so that is something to look forward to.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I finally got some exercise in today. It took me all day to get around to it (playing with my new computer) but I DID get in an hour of cardio today.

    Lacey: Good job getting to the gym - it's hard to establish new routines, you'll get there.

    Victoria: enjoy your half day! Great job getting your run in.

    Kendal: I'm with you on the dislike of the treadmill. I plan on resorting to the treadmill once the snow shows up but only for short distances because I just can't stay on that thing for very long. I'm just going to have to do something else (DVD's) for the winter.

    Kristina: I hope you day goes by fast!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: