WW question....weight guidelines

NicolaGoodyear Posts: 55
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
weight watchers show my healthy weight range for 5 ft 5 ins is between 8 st 8 lb -10 st 10 lb, my weight right now is 10 st 7lbs,i set myself the target of 10 st when i first started this thing we call weight loss!...start weight was 15 st 7lbs,my question is if i was doing this through ww and not mfp what would they set my goal weight to be do they pick in the middle of the 8 st 8 lb -10 st 10 lb ?? if anyone is doing ww and can shed some light please drop me a message thankyou xxx


  • diverdi
    diverdi Posts: 64 Member
    I'm not in weight watchers but I think what they do is give you the 'normal' weight range which correlates to a BMI between 20 and 25. Your 'ideal weight' is calculated at a BMI of 22.5, that may not actually be the ideal weight for you, if you are curvuier or more muscular your ideal weight may be in the higher end of normal or even in the overweight bracket.
  • I started weightwatchers a couple of years ago and went to meetings etc and followed the points plan for a few months until I started finding the membership a bit pricey on my student budget! My goal weight was 12stone as this is within the healthy BMI range for my height, I felt like it was acheivable for me to reach this weight from just over 15 stone, and i remembered being this same weight when I was younger and being very happy with it. Weightwatchers dont pick a goal for you, they advise you to reach a healthy weight for your height, so withing the BMI range 20-25, but dont chose the specific weight for you. (my group leader didnt anyway) Your goal weight is largely up to you, if you have reached a healthy BMI and you feel happy and healthy then that is a great goal to have reached!
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