UK Runner looking to buy a foam roller.

I am a runner, currently training for my second half marathon and I'd like to buy a foam roller.

I don't know which to go for though and as they are quite expensive (I think they are anyway - £15 - £40 for a bit of foam!!) I don't want to waste my money.

Does anyone have recommendations - do I need one of the longer ones or will a shorter one do, are some brands better quality than others, are the smooth ones as good as the 'bumpy' ones? Did anyone find a killer bargain for one somewhere (UK sites ideally please).

Thanks for any advice.


  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    Can you try some at the gym? At the gym I notice that some are firmer than others. Some "chip off" on the edges. Of course, they get lots of use at a gym. I prefer the long roller to the short one. On the short one, I tend to roll off of it and it is hard to keep my body on it. I am about a size 10-12 female (medium size). i find it takes a bit of coordination to use a roller.