Hi everyone, I am new to this app. I currently am on weight watchers but am considering cancelling it. I really need the support. I try to eat healthy, work out 4 to 5 times a week but still seem to gaining. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I have been on Phentermine in the past and it worked but my doctor will no longer write a prescription for it. Recently I read about a prescription named Qsymia but is very expensive. Has anyone been on either drug? Any advice would be much appreciated.


  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I don't advise you take any drugs. Too dangerous and you cant do that for lfie so its not a healty idea. I quit weight watchers too. THis site is free and calories are listed everywhere, unlike points. I see you are being active, so its got to be in the calorie amount you are taking in. Check out what your bmi and tdee is and see how many you need to eat each day. Then take a deficit of either 500-1000 off of that number. Message me if you need help. iT is hard to do both. Either way, good luck and you can do it.
  • megandear3
    So the calorie intake for me to loose on here it states 1753. I need to take 500 off of that?
  • jgould876
    My nutritionist has me at an 1600 calorie deficit a day (1200 calories) with a modified high protein fast. Surprisingly, I'm not hungry and I've dropped some serious weight already.