Hi! I just started my account a few days ago and I need friends! I'm lonely!

For the most part I know what it takes to lose weight. I know that you have to work out and eat healthy. I know my problem. I love food. I LOVE FOOD! :heart: I love cooking and eating and going out to eat with my family. I'm not really an emotional eater. I just like to eat food all the time. But my life is so busy that I find myself eating more fast food than I want to admit. I will eat anything or try anything. Food is an adventure to me which is good because I love to eat healthy! I just don't know exactly how to eat healthy. I know you need a lot of fruits and veggies, some lean meat (I love chicken and fish), a little fat is good for you but only from things like nuts, sugar is sneaky and hides in EVERYTHING! I don't like sweet anything anyway. I only drink water and tea (no sugar). I'm lactose intolerant so no dairy for me. I know generally what to do but I feel like I need exact numbers. How many serving of what and how to divide that into meals? Ugh. Now I give up and go eat 50 chicken nuggets :noway:

I know working out is key and muscel burns fat. I know that you need strength training and cardio. Cardio can be done everyday but with strength training you need to let muscels rest. But then I over think it just like the food... I want to know how much to burn rather than how long to work out? How exactly to I do strength training again? I always give up and just do cardeo. I can walk forever.

Anyway... If your still reading my novel/rant...

In high school I lost 45 lbs but going to college (or just pure laziness honestly) I gained all of it back and then some. I'm sick of being depressed about how I look. I'm an amazing person and I want the outside to reflect the inside. For the past 4 years I get fed up with my weight and decide enough is enough! I'm going to do something about this! So I would start off really well and lose 10 lbs and then I'd get lazy. But now I've never been this FAT! I'm done. I need friend support. Help me Obi-wan Kenobi.