Motivation and Discipline



  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    I don't do anything special. I like to eat and exercise, makes me feel good when I do. Sometimes I blow it off or eat bad cause I'm tired but I always get back to it. :)
  • KezJB
    KezJB Posts: 33 Member
    This is how I think of food, "One bad meal will not make you fat. Just like one healthy meal will not make you skinny."

    Don't beat yourself up. Forgive it and move on.

    Good advice!
  • m_johannes
    m_johannes Posts: 72 Member
    I think what helps me stay motivated the most is paying close attention to how I FEEL. I hate feeling bloated or gassy or, simply, fat. One night in particular sticks out in my mind. Typically, I eat a very light, healthy meal before I go out dancing, and I avoid alcohol, but one night recently I ate Dominos pizza and breadsticks and had a couple beers. I felt AWFUL! I felt so bloated and short of breath, and my stamina was at rock bottom. Idefinitely never want to feel that way again! So now, when I'm tempted by fast food or sweets, I stop and think, "How am I going to feel after I eat this?" So there really isn't "bad" food, as other posters have stated, so much as just foods that effect you in different ways!

    P.S. I really like what others have had to say on this subject, too! Y'all are a bunch of smart, insightful folks!
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    What keeps me motivated... seeing the progress i've made thus far. Not just in pounds lost, but in how I feel both physically and emotionally. I've not felt this good in years. I don't ever want to go back to the way things were. Small sustainable goals and life changes is what is working for me. It can and will work for you too if you let it. Good luck!
  • mishtery
    mishtery Posts: 148
    a good friend got me motivated by getting me out walking with her. then I rejoined the gym and we go there together. although she has been sick i have still kept up with my exercise. The nutrition is harder but I have my daughters wedding in the new yr and I also am having my head shaved for a cause in november. so I would like to have the weight off and also look healthier when the hair disappears.
    Think of the health benefits by keeping up with good food and exercise :)
  • KingRat79
    KingRat79 Posts: 125 Member
    I don't consider any foods as "bad" foods. I eat what I want and in moderation to fit in my calorie goals. Hunger also motivates me to make healthier food choices so some foods have become occasional treats so I can eat a large amount of healthy food and be full most of the time.

    I also have shifted from this being something I do to lose weight to something I do for life. I always want to be fit and strong. Eating healthy-ish and working out help me stay that way.

    This^^^^ sumes up my approach,
  • fknlardarse
    fknlardarse Posts: 210 Member
    I keep logging! Everything. Even when I'm miles over. It's surprising sometimes I think I've gone way over yet when I log it, it might not seem too bad. Other days it's bad but seeing it in black and white helps motivate me the next day to stay on track.
  • mishtery
    mishtery Posts: 148
    The other thing keeping me going now is I'm 44 with osteoarthritis,fibromyalgia and sacroilitis. I'm a nurse and work in aged care. So I see what happens with people and how they live with these conditions. Sad thing is to people give up due to the pain. I don't want to end up in aged care at a young age plus I want to be active for when my kids start giving me grand kids. Best thing I can do for me is keep moving. I can sit back in pain and do nothing or I can keep moving with pain and know I have done something to help myself. Move it or lose it they say.
  • sontaneda1
    Good morning all! I am somewhat of a newbie here, trying like all of us to stay motivated. I've dedicated myself these past 2-3 weeks more than I have in my life but I know I can do better. I was a bit depressed to see that I hadn't lost any weight. I'm 36 Female currently160lbs looking to lose 30-35lbs. I am a member of RetroFitness and have a trainer who's great. I told her she needs to "male me" do it! lol But if I miss an appt with her I feel lost like I don't know what to do....
  • jessie62993
    jessie62993 Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning all! I am somewhat of a newbie here, trying like all of us to stay motivated. I've dedicated myself these past 2-3 weeks more than I have in my life but I know I can do better. I was a bit depressed to see that I hadn't lost any weight. I'm 36 Female currently160lbs looking to lose 30-35lbs. I am a member of RetroFitness and have a trainer who's great. I told her she needs to "male me" do it! lol But if I miss an appt with her I feel lost like I don't know what to do....

    We have similar fitness goals! Don't get too down on yourself about not losing weight, because the numbers on the scale do not tell the whole story. Have you considered using measurements as a better tracker of progress? It is awesome that you have a trainer and I think that is a great motivator. Maybe try thinking about your appointments with your trainer as you would an appointment for you job. Maybe you will be less likely to miss them then!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I have a nine year old boy at home who is, without a doubt, gonna ask me to go outside and throw the ball when I get home. I am gonna be sure I can, every damn time he asks
  • Alexandra_S
    Alexandra_S Posts: 41 Member
    I think I definitely need to change the way I think about food...I have too much of an emotional connection with it.

    I know that problem. You need something else to emotionally connect with, something that will cheer you up when you're sad, console, when you need it, be a reward, when you deserve it. Take up a hobby you would enjoy and find new friends with the same interests, it will make your life fulfilling and you won't need to cling to food.
  • FitnessLover001
    FitnessLover001 Posts: 188 Member
    Working out and not seeing results is one of the hardest things. But regretting it is even harder. There are some days I wake up at 5am and say, maybe I can go to the gym in-between my classes. And then about a minute later I say, NO I will be pissed off at myself because I know if I don't do it now, I won't get it done today. I think about how good it feels to bust my *kitten* in the gym and the way I feel after I'm done.

    I also have realized that being a healthy person in general is so much better than trying stupid monthly diets. If you want something, eat it, just make sure it fits into your calorie goal for that day. And if it doesn't, who cares, especially if you know tomorrow morning, you'll be back in the gym working your butt off
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Moderation, I guess. I have "bad" food every day. :D
  • IDoThisFit
    IDoThisFit Posts: 1 Member
    Staying motivated can be extremely difficult. The main thing is finding a LEGIT reason as to WHYyou want to be in great shape. It can't be something typical. You have to have a strong emotional attachment to your WHY factor. For some, it is easy to find there WHY factor, and for other it is difficult. The main thing I'm getting at is this; If you dont have a WHY for what you do, you will never reach your full potential, and never achieve the difficult goals you set for yourself.
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    Set yourself up so you cannot fail. I know if I told myself I would drink only water , I'd fail. So instead I started by saying I won't drink soda till after 5 pm. Once I did that then I said " I will only have it each day with my dinner or snack" if there are foods you must have build them into ur daily calories. This way you don't use all your calories that they then eat this item on top of everything else.
  • jessie62993
    jessie62993 Posts: 27 Member
    Staying motivated can be extremely difficult. The main thing is finding a LEGIT reason as to WHYyou want to be in great shape. It can't be something typical. You have to have a strong emotional attachment to your WHY factor. For some, it is easy to find there WHY factor, and for other it is difficult. The main thing I'm getting at is this; If you dont have a WHY for what you do, you will never reach your full potential, and never achieve the difficult goals you set for yourself.

    What is your WHY factor? I must not have found a strong enough factor for myself yet.
  • Mickey823
    Mickey823 Posts: 5 Member
    So, I know that I wasn't the original poster, but I've been struggling with getting motivated for the last few weeks, and thought I'd do a search on here to see what others have to say - and I found this thread!! You all have given me some things to think about, and great tips to find and keep my motivation. Thanks!
  • 72Christie
    72Christie Posts: 11 Member
    I too have found this post really useful and motivating. The need to be 'perfect' has been part of my previous 'all or nothing' approach, which has seen me give up countless times before. This time is going to be different - you've all made me think much harder about my 'WHY', and that is already making a difference to my mindset. So thank you all for sharing. xx
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Most important thing to me is to remember that having a bad day or three isn't the end of the world, and is barely even a blip on the long term process. Its not an excuse to give up, or even a significant failure.

    Just have to remember that the bad thing happened yesterday, and today is today. Doesn't have to carry over.