Motivated, positave adds please :D

I have been on here 2 months. I started at 212 and I am now 190. That is 22lbs! As of today I am no longer obese!
I log everything I put into my body and I average out at 1000 calories a day (it should be 1200 but I eat a lot of fruit and veggies and some days I am not hungry because of the fuel stored in the massive gut, I am also not active so this is what works for me).

So if you are positive, dedicated and nonjudgmental, please add me as a friend :D.. You don't have to write a whole story, just an add would be good. I need more friends. The few friends I do have are no longer dedicated or are in maintenance.


  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    Feel free to add me!! I think that is great that you have already lost 22lbs!!!
  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. I log everyday, every meal. it's one of the best resources I have found to be successful. You can add me if you wish!

    I just checked out your diary, It looks pretty spurattic. Are you logging all meals? If you are, you're not eating enough.
  • Erinelda
    Erinelda Posts: 96
    This is why I don't want judgmental friends. Bypass people only eat 500 calories and none are vegetables. I average 3 massive meals a day made up of mostly fruit and vegetables. I am eating more than enough, if I am not hungry I am not jamming food down. I listen to my body, sorry if that offends you. If I added a cup of pasta everyday I'd go over and people would judge me less?? No thanks.
  • blueridgeloner
    blueridgeloner Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome to add me if you like. I log faithfully, and have open diary.