26 DOWN!

Hello, everyone!

After a month, or two of lurking I decided to join. Im down 26 pounds since Jan 11th and I figure that the MFP community help give me the extra motivation needed to drop another 26 pounds.

The start:

Jan 11th I weighed in at 262 (5-8). I decided to start eating better and surprisingly I lost 7 pounds in the 1st month. I was looking better and feeling better, so I choose to add a workout plan (mainly consisting of 30-40 Mins on the Elliptical at the Gym) every few days.

On weigh in day I was 255 pounds.

In the 2nd Month after adding Exercise to my Diet Plan I lost another 10 Pounds for a total of 17 Pounds in two Months. During this time friends and family started noticing my weight loss and I felt great!

On weigh in day I was 245 pounds.

Now, in my 3rd Month it was a battle of ups and downs. I was a man possessed! I added weight training to my program and the pounds were flying off. Before the 1st two weeks were up I was down to 237 Pounds! I could not have been more happy with my weigh loss. Then we had a family BBQ in which ate A LOT of bad food and A LOT of Sodium. After the weekend my Weight had shot up to 246 Pounds! I panicked at 1st, but I read on here that the extra weight gain was due to water retention. After flushing my system out I was back down to 239.

That same weekend I had to put my car in the shop ( and its still in there) and that gave me no excess to the gym at work. I did a series of home work outs and continued to lose a little more weight, but below of what I wanted.

On weigh in day I was 236 pounds.


I should have my car back tomorrow, plus I rented a car for the last few days, so Im back in the habit of going to the gym. My diet has been suffering. Overall, it hasn't been too bad, but on Tuesday I ate at the Waffle House for Breakfast, Taco Bell for Lunch and Dairy Queen for Dinner. Real bad I know, but those days which were once normal for me, are now few and far between.

I plan getting to the gym 7 days in a row to kick my weight loss program into over drive again. So, far Im 2 for 2 with that goal with 5 days to go.

My Diet :

Im eating a lot of Pasta consisting of either Spaghetti Sauce, or Light Alfredo Sauce. Chicken (Boneless Skinless Breast, or Thighs) and/or Shrimp for meat and Brillo Bow Tie Noodles. Lots of Black beans, Fruits, Limited Veggies, Egg Whites and a Plant based Protein Powder Mixed w/ Slim Fast.

I normally eat between 1400 and 1700 cals in a day.

My Workout :

Normally, I try to burn between 350-450 Cals on a cardio machine. I work the Leg Press, Chess Press, while doing weight assisted Dips and Pull Ups. My Arms and Shoulders get a decent amount of work in as well.

My home workout normally goes something like this:


50 Burpees
50 Mt. Climbers
50 Push-Ups
50 Jump Squats


25 of each.

That's my journey so far. Im looking forward to being a member of the MFP Community. Thanks for reading.


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    My name is Kim and I am on a weight loss journey as well. I have lost 66 pounds already, but still have some more to go. Congrats on your success! Encouragement and accountability is so important. I would be happy to be an accountability partner with you. If you are interested, send a buddy request. :)
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I think that it is awesome that you have already lost 26lbs pounds!! If you want feel free to add me. I know doing this alone can be difficult.
  • 26MORE2GO
    26MORE2GO Posts: 21 Member
    I think that it is awesome that you have already lost 26lbs pounds!! If you want feel free to add me. I know doing this alone can be difficult.

    Thank you. Will do!
    My name is Kim and I am on a weight loss journey as well. I have lost 66 pounds already, but still have some more to go. Congrats on your success! Encouragement and accountability is so important. I would be happy to be an accountability partner with you. If you are interested, send a buddy request. :)

    66 Pounds! Awesome. Keep up the good work!