Help do I have gyno chest?

Help I don't know if my chest has gyno or just regular fat.. Uploads/image_zps09749b6c.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 Uploads/image_zps1bb290b9.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1
Here are a side view and a front view ...
Background : I have been on a weight loss /body building journey for almost a year now .... I have lost 50 lbs(no loose skin)
As you can see from my front view I still have more fat to loose but I just do about 1 1/2 miles a day then start lifting .. Is this a fatty chest or gyno or both? I do realize this won't go away if t is gyno but if it is , is there any way to really work out my chest to hide it as best as possible? Also while you chest experts are here, how do I work out my inner pecs? Thank you for your help


  • Chapin1997
    Chapin1997 Posts: 51 Member
    Bump :(
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    I'm no doctor but I don't think so. In any case if it was in often goes away on it's own when whatever stimulus caused it is removed.

    Actual description

    Definition with images
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    If you're not taking anabolic/androgenic steroids then it is unlikely that you have gynecymastia. The best way to tell if you have gyno is to squeeze your nipples. If they are tender and have little marble-sized balls behind them ten you have gyno. If not, then you just have some fat on your chest.

    Gynecymastia can be treated with tamoxifen citrate at 20mg a day. Tamoxifen can be obtained on the internet without a prescription. Technically, you're supposed to have a prescription for it but it isn't classified as a controlled substance so it's kind of a "gray market" drug. From a legal standpoint, it would be like having some high blood pressure meds or an antibiotic without a prescription.

    You will also want to avoid anything that can cause testosterone aromatization or any estrogenic chemicals. This is especially true with regards to soy and tea tree oil products. Check your shampoo and soap to make sure it doesn't contain either of these and stop eating soy products altogether.