Already slim, any ideas on how to lose more weight?


Im 26, female, 5'11 and my weight usually fluctuates between 10stone 8 (147 pounds) to 10 stone 12 (152). I want to be 10 stone (140) but cant seem to ever get that low. I eat healthy, generally try and avoid carbs, aim for 1200 cals a day and yet I still cant seem to get any lower. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, doing primarily cardio to burn the calories but still nothing. One day I did read 10.5 on the scales but the night before I had drunk a lot of alcohol so the weight loss was probably dehydration.

Anyone got any ideas on how I can drop the extra weight?


  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Why do you want to lose more weight? What are your goals?
  • rocknrollcliche
    I want to be at 10stone (140 pounds) . im quite straight up and down as im tall without any curves but I carry my weight around my middle. The lower I weigh the more in proportion my body looks as a whole. Currently I am uncomfortable and wear a lot of baggy tops to cover up. I do core exercises and exercises targeted at my abs etc but nothing really helps unless i drop weight.

  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Ya stop eating 1200 calories, eat correctly for your activity and height/weight

    Try lifting some weights too.
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    The closer to goal, the slower the loss. Many women find that tummy goes last. I think you should consider eating at maintenance for a few weeks. Then cut 200-400 calories off maintenance after eating higher for a while. Some swear by that to help with plateaus. You are at a great place to begin heavy lifting but just put the scale away if you decide to go that route. It usually begins with a loss in inches and a stall or gain in weight. Good luck!
  • rocknrollcliche
    Will eating more not make me gain weight? Thanks for looking and replying to my post