easter cheat day? dinner with family. help.



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am also on a dr controlled and supported 1200 calorie diet. I average between 1000 and 1200 calories a day. You are going to have a ton of people tell you that you are starving yourself. Just listen to your dr and your body.

    As for Easter, I am having the same issue. My plan is to eat a small well balanced meal ahead of time, make a healthy alternative to contribute to the meal and then pick 3 to 5 things that I love, take a small tasting and enjoy every mouthful!

    Where in the post does it say she is on a Dr supervised low calorie diet? Bit of a dangerous assumption really. Also many people, including myself became obese listening to their bodies, so not a good guide.

    My advice to the OP is to enjoy your meal with the family and don't even concern yourself with your food intake on a special occasion

    My point is that for the past 2 weeks I have been getting slammed left and right by people ,WHO ARE NOT DOCTORS, for my 1200 calorie diet. The OP asked a reasonable question and many (not all) gave her sass about her calories instead of helpful advice. I apologize that I took my own experience and assumed something about the poster. We are all on here to get healthy and live longer, better lives. I am just so tired of people immediately slamming someone because of their calorie, food, lifestyle choices. I am only 5 feet tall maybe the above poster is short as well and has a lot of weight to lose. If that is the case then a 1200 calorie diet is more then reasonable.

    way to derail the thread and make it about yourself….
    Oh snap, someone put on a shirt on.

    lol….I figured I had been hiding for long enough and was time to show my lovely face ...